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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this study, the dust situation in 6 synoptic stations of Kermanshah province was investigated in the period 1987-1992. To study this phenomenon, dust days were extracted in 2009 with code (06) from the current air index. Then data from different bar levels were taken from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization (NCEP / NCAR) database and maps were plotted in the Grads software. Finally, through the processing of MODIS satellite imagery, with the application of the brightness temperature index, round detection and the dust was made and its territory expanded. The results of the study showed that at low ground level, when the European high-pressure system retreated to the north and west, Sudan's low pressure existed in the eastern Mediterranean, and the system moved southwest to the northeast, and when they entered, the disturbance zone is caused due to the lack of moisture in the dust, the main sources of dust in the province of Kermanshah include the deserts of northern Arabia, southern Iraq, and somewhat north of the sub-Saharan Africa.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the middle levels of Atmosphere and precipitation changes in the West of country. To do this, first monthly rainfall data of 17 synoptic stations of the West Country in period of 30 years from 1984 to 2014 of country were collected from Meteorological Organization. As well as North Atlantic Oscillation data and anomalies geopotential height data, sea level pressure and precipitation were received from NOAA. To clarify the relationship between the NAO index phase with precipitation of west of Iran used Pearson correlation coefficient was at least 95%, (P_value = 0. 05). Finally, using synoptic maps, spatial relationships among data, were analyzed. The results indicate that between North Atlantic Oscillation changes with middle level height anomalies of the Atmosphere and the amount of precipitation in West of Iran in January, March, April and November there is communication and concurrency. The results showed that, at a time of sovereignty positive phase of the North Atlantic oscillation, an average of height atmospheric middle level in mid-western Iran 17 meters long-term and less than the average rainfall per month 23. 5 mm increased and wetly sovereign. But when phase of governance is negative, high atmospheric middle level anomaly to an average of 20 meters more than normal. As a result, the drought will prevail in the west and precipitation in the region each month will face a reduction of 30 mm. In general, we can say that droughts more severe than wet coincide with the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation is positive phase.

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Knowing Country and understanding the capacity of its perimeter and international environment are essential components of the economy that the foreign policy of any country should be on the basis of territorial and social. The country relies on its geopolitical foundations that they are influenced by its geographical location can affect codification foreign policy in the international economy. Hence, this paper with an analytical-descriptive method to survey the geopolitical and geographical foundations of Islamic Republic of Iran's economy. This paper show that Economy of Islamic Republic Iran away with its Geopolitical foundations and to achieve an effective economic on the closed surrounding and international environment, review in Geopolitical foundations of foreign policy that is mentioned in the form of five components are necessary and is inevitable. Hence, Islamic Republic of Iran to pursue these foundations in foreign policy strategy, not only effects will be in terms of political and cultural on international environment but also in terms geo-economic impact on international political economy.

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One of the most important parameters in maximal use of radiant energy is the proper deployment of photovoltaic. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum setting and tilt for installing photovoltaic panel in Kashan city. For this purpose, using the Masters Gilbert physical relations and relationships, the radiation received on the surface of the panel is calculated. The results of this study indicate that the amount of radiation received on the collector's surface in the south and in different slopes, 64 percent of the time of year, is more than the radiation on the panel surface mounted in the direction of the southeast or west with different slope angles. The highest amount of radiation is in the Azimuth to the south at a gradient of 30 degrees and 40 degrees; Southwest Azimuth (30 degrees) is almost similar to the South Azimuth and only in the southeast west, in summer, glides near the verge, they receive more radiation than the south. The amount of radiation received on the surface of the panel in the direction of south east west (Azimuth 60 ° ) on different slopes in 87% of the year is greater than the radiation on the panel surface mounted east or west (90 ° azimuth) with different slope angles. By comparing the results, it turns out that the direction of the photovoltaic panel installation will change, as the south changes to the east or west, the intensity of radiation will decrease in the days of the year. The highest photovoltaic energy output in Kashan is in the direction to the south, and with the angle of installation of photovoltaic panel 30 degrees from the horizon line. The most suitable slope for mounting panels between 30 and 40 degrees was obtained from other slopes.

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In order to detect climate change, a variety of climate indicators can be used which is often considered temperature and precipitation. In order to investigate the effect of climate change on the amount of precipitation in the north coast of the Persian Gulf, it simulated the precipitable water for 2017-2050 based on the RCP4. 5 model of the Hadcm3 model. The NCEP / NCAR base-station data with an arc-value of 0. 125 was used to analyze the past and present precipitable water patterns and to reveal the process of this time series. Time series analysis of precipitable water was performed using two SENS tilt estimators and Man-Kendall test. The results indicated that the annual time series of rain water was increasing in the region, every year, 0. 05 mm, the precipitated water increased and it tended to become more homogeneous, this increase in the significance level of 0. 95. The precipitation rate in the eastern part of the region was higher than other areas. Before 1989, several fluctuations were observed in the rainy season of precipitable water, but none was statistically significant at the confidence level of 95%, but since 1989, the trend has increased significantly at a confidence level of 0. 95. This spatial behavior of precipitable water can actually have occurred in response to the increase in the overall temperature of the area and can be considered as a profile of climate change in the region.

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This study was conducted to estimate the index of Remaining carrying capacity of host community to tourism development. The method of data analysis is descriptive-analytical. In order to collect the initial data, a field survey and a questionnaire were used. The study population is comprised of specialists related to the subject and residents of Shahroud (host community). The sample size for distribution of the host community questionnaire is 125 people (65 inhabitants, 41 tourism business owners, 19 officials). In this regard, 20 questionnaires have been considered for the survey of experts. Method of determining the carrying capacity of the host community in the study adapted of Battelle Environmental Evaluation System (BEES) that it is used for environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the limits of acceptable change (LAC). The results of data analysis showed that based on barometer of sustainability Alan Prescott, and according to the parameters obtained by (0. 426), carrying capacity of the host community, by positioning the floor of 0. 41 to 0. 60 of the situation is balanced state. Therefore, it is understood that the host society has a balanced attitude towards tourism and is not opposed to its development. As a result, it is essential to use existing potentials in order to sustainable tourism development, necessary planning should be made by tourism managers to attract more tourists to this area.

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The Rivers and the Canals are a completely dynamic system and their morphological patterns has been changed continuously over the time, which sometimes lead to erosion and damage to coastal facilities and border displacement. Therefore, its hydrologic behavior should always be considered. Iran has several border rivers with its neighbors that its necessary be studied of wise “ the bed change approach. In this research, the Balehradud Border River, which forms 62 km from Iran's border with the Republic of Azerbaijan in Ardebil province, be studied based on the substitution approach by studying the hydromorphic indices of the Sinuosity coefficient, bending radius and central angle for the period 1955 and 2016 respectively using the map of Protocol 1/25000 and satellite imagery of ETM. And the indexes were calculated in AutoCAD and Arc maps software. The results show that the Meandering pattern has become more intense over the period of 61 years and the rate of river bed changes has been very high. As for the Sinuosity coefficient, the number of curves of river increase to 857 in year 2016 than 591 bends in year 1955 which indicates a significant change in river morphology. The values of curvature radius in the whole range confirm the existence of approximately the same arch along the river's path. This indicator for year 1955 shows that upstream have more meandering from downstream and versa this mode for the year 2016. Which can be due to climatic and tectonic changes. Also, a number of factors such as human interactions, climatic conditions, vegetation, loose tissue, are involved in the River bed change. It is important to take protective measures, such as stabilizing the coast and increasing vegetation and preventing the dumping of the river.

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This study explored the factors and drivers of livelihood pattern change in rural households through sustainable livelihoods Approach. The study was considered applicable and used a descriptive-analytic method. To collect the data, questionnaire and interview instruments were utilized. The statistical population was Minan rural households in Sarbaz border province (N=4544). Using Cochran’ s sampling technique, 354 households were selected as the participants of the study. One sample t-test, chi-square, and logistic model were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that out of 354 respondents, 72. 88 % believed their livelihood pattern had changed and 27. 12% supposed no change. 15 out of 45 variables under study were considerably effective and had significant relationships with livelihood variable. Economical (0. 400), personal (0. 360), and geographical isolation (0. 312) factors played major roles in this regard. Moreover, it indicated that out of 354 respondents, 39. 8% assumed that they had chosen fuel smuggling, 25. 4 % goods trading, and 22. 9 % service works as a reaction to this livelihood change for the living. Thus, it can be argued that integrated rural livelihood and accessible proper foundations for subsistence outside the farms (such as rural industries) can diversify living and prevent both livelihood change and use of illicit and hazardous activities, for instance, fuel and goods smuggling.

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Precipitation is a climatic elements that have temporal-spatial distribution. In this research database of Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) with a resolution 0. 5×0. 5 degree for 50 year is used, that was constituted with dimensions of 12800*600. Temporal data are on the columns and pixels (spatial data) located on the rows. The results show an increasing trend in spring and fall but in summer and winter precipitation trend has been decreased. The most amount of precipitation is located in the northern parts of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea, Southeast Asia, southern coast of the Caspian and Central Zagros Mountains. Most of Middle East (about %95) have not trend and only in some parts of Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, central Iran, and areas in lower-latitude have positive trend and some East and northwest parts of Iran and some parts of Middle East also have decreasing trend of precipitation. The highest percent of area of precipitation trend gradient is 0 to 0. 5.

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This research is conducted on tourist segmentation in the touristy catchment area of Kolan river in Malayer Township. The statistical population is tourists who travel to the area for recreation, tourism and leisure. The research tool is a self-administrated questionnaire. By the method of Simple random sampling we collected a total of 200 questionnaires of tourists in the study area. Descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis and cluster analysis was used to analyze the research data. Based on the results of factor analysis were identified even major factor in tourists' motivations at the regional level, including: Rurality, sense of place and place belonging, rest and relaxation, nature-based tourist activities, group outdoor recreational activities, purchase the rural production, excitement and novelty, spirituality and solitude. According to this motivational factors final result of tourism segmentation shows that tourism demand in the market consisted 7 difference segments. cluster 1 with a diverse motivation of 12%, cluster 2 with togetherness motivation 17%, third cluster as a younger age group with adventure motivation 18. 5%, cluster 4 with rurality motivation 15%, fifth cluster whit shopping motivation 10%, sixth cluster with sense of place and desire for comfort and rest 19. 5%, and seventh cluster with a particular tendency to sense of place 7. 5% of the sample population as a whole. The results could be utilize in order to optimize the use of available resources in the area by managers and local authorities, as well as owners of tourism businesses, compatible with the actual needs of various sectors in rural tourism market.

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Paleo-climate reconstructions based on multi-proxy such as sedimentology is current in climatology investigation. In this way, National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Science cored 960cm from Arzhan wetland SW of Iran than we have investigated of sedimentology. Primarily the core was measured on magnetic sensibility per 1cm and secondly was subsampled according to magnetic sensibility and were analyzed include TOC, CaCO3, and Grading laser and etc. Finally four samples of pace of plant were selected and have been dated in carbon 14 dating laboratory of Poznan, Poland, and calibrated trough of core based on Calib rev. 7. 1. Dating have determined that core had covered 15000 Cal. BP. According to this investigation, we obtained 5 period of climate conditions during Pleistocene to Holocene in this area. 15000-13000 Cal. BP. Late Pleistocene climate conditions were colder and wetter period that indicate end of the Ace age. 13000-11000 Cal. BP. Climate begin to warmer and dryer. 11000-9000Cal. BP. because of this period shows many fluctuations in all proxies we named this period to the period of transfer from ace age to interglacial period. 9000-7000Cal. BP there have been warm and cold conditions compare to late Holocene. 7000-Present indeed in this period radiantly modern pattern of atmospheric circulation has been performed due to all of proxies in late Holocene begin to fixed on the same pattern. So probably atmospheric circulation from meddle Holocene begin to get harmonic to present. Any way for determinate of paleo-climate in this area we need to use of multi proxy investigation in area.

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Higher quality of services provided in the rural areas requires feedback, consulting with villagers, and their active participation in rural development process. Water services are one of the most basic services provided in rural areas. Accordingly, the present study seeks to evaluate the satisfaction level of rural residents with the quality of services provided by Rural Water and Wastewater Company. This study was conducted in a descriptive-analytical method, and the population was comprised of 132 households randomly selected from rural residents living in rural areas of Central District of Neyshabur County with an acceptable reliability score. Investigating the relationship between the five dimensions of the study and the individual characteristics indicates that there is a significant relationship between age, gender and education level and satisfaction with quality of the services in sample villages. At the same time, assessing the satisfaction with the quality of water services in sample villages indicates that the quality of water services in sample villages is at a satisfactory level. The analytical results of the confirmatory factor analysis of the research indicators showed the highest percentage of variance of the research dimensions belonged to 'empathy', with 30. 91% and the least value of variance belongs to ‘ tangible changes’ (21. 28%). The spatial analysis of villagers' satisfaction with drinking water supply services in sample villages showed that the village of Sheikhlan with 103. 10 Qi had the highest satisfaction level, and the village of Turani with 0. 990 Qi had the least satisfaction with the quality of services. .

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The purpose of this study is predicting climate changes and investigating the effect of probable climate change on the growing degree-days in the northwest of Iran. For this purpose the climatic data of seven synoptic stations during a 25 years period (1985-2009) was collected including Oroomieh, Tabriz, Zanjan, Sanandaj, Ghazvin, Kermanshah, and Hamedan were used as the base period and thus temperature variations periods (2030-2011 and 2065-2046) through HadCM3 model was simulated. For the little power of temporal and spatial distinction of this model, its outputs were downscaled using LARS-WG software and presented under Emission Scenarios including A1B (moderate scenario), A2 (maximum or pessimistic scenario), and B1 (minimum or optimistic scenario). Calibration, verification and Performance Model with the rate of the adaption of observed data and the simulated measures through statistics, RMSE and MAE were analyzed. Finally, using the simulated temperature growing degree-day was calculated and compared under 4 Base temperature including 0° , 5° , 10° , and 15° centigrade in the basic span (1985-2009) and future span (2011-2030 and 2046-2065). The results of simulation show that temperature change in north-west areas under all three A1B, A2, and B1 scenario are increasing in the future, but the differences among these three scenarios in each period is inconsiderable. In total the most temperature increasing was detected as 0/7 centigrade in A2 scenario for 2011-2030 period and 2/3 centigrade under A1B scenario for 2046-2065 period. Generally with the temperature increasing, the amounts of growing degree-day without exception increases in review periods and under the four Base temperature. Under studied scenarios, the Bases temperature of 0° centigrade had the most and 15° centigrade had the least impressibility from climate changes, so that the most increasing in calculated degree-day measures under 0° and 15° centigrade bases in the first period to the basic scenario (1985-2009) respectively was simulated as 207/4 and 120/6 degree-day under A2 scenario and for the second period to the 752/5 and 463/5 degree-day under A1B scenario.

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Tourism quality is important factor so that influence in return of tourists. Hence, it needed to be developed tourism quality due to stimulate domestic and foreign investment, increase business, and improve economic and social conditions. This study has an applied perspective relevant to type, and has an analytical approach pertaining to descriptive method. Using a questionnaire and taking the reliability of the data into account, the Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient (0. 834) and content validity, the data and required information were collected; and analyzing the number of 354 forms referring to the Darband restaurants were performed, with respect to documentary research and fieldwork in the sample tests. Based on facts collected due to satisfy consumptions; we found some gaps including, the widest gap of QoSs is relevant to tangibles with average distance-0. 33, and narrowest gap of QoSs is pertaining to responsiveness with average distance 0. 34. In next step, using Kano model we categories’ QoSs, and the results, based on customers’ respond, shown that 6 features categorized as “ attractive, ” 5 features categorized as “ one-dimensional, ” 6 features categorized as “ necessary, ” and 2 features as rest of 19 characteristics categorized as “ unconcerned. ” Eventually, according to the findings performed an inspection due find out about a relation over the Spearman correlation, and education, and income.

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