The current study intends to examine and recognize the performance of information and communication technology (ITC) in rural development to find strengths and weaknesses of ICT offices in rural regions and, also, to consider their performance. The research method is applied - developmental and methodology is documental, analytical and survey. To complete available information, questionnaires were used. The population of this research includes residents of Kabootarabad, Mediseh, Mehregan and Sin villages belonged to Isfahan, Lanjan, Falavarjan and Barkhar and Meymeh townships, respectively. As to their population of about 6139, based on Cochran formula, sample size estimated equaled 236 individuals. To test hypotheses, Chi Square, T. Student and ANOVA were done by the use of SPSS. Findings indicate that several factors such as, the extent of people’s awareness of services available in ICT offices, the idea of people about these services in rural regions and the way of their management have key role in the success of ICT offices. Therefore, it is recommended that communication infrastructures be reinforced and ICT offices be well equipped in order to offer services to rural regions, encourage villagers to use virtual modes for decreasing intermediation and unnecessary trips to cities.