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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


طلوع بهداشت

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    2 (مسلسل 39)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طلوع بهداشت

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    2 (مسلسل 39)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (39)
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Background: Dental health problem among elementary students is a social and health problem which results in un-recoverable social, economical, cultural and health effects. This research is aimed to improve oral health among elementary students in Sanandaj city through theory of health belief model (HBM) and peer education approach.Method: This is a quasi-experimental research which started by selecting three primary schools randomly. Peer education was assigned to educate the first group (n=30) and the second group was educated by trainer group (n=30) and the third was a control group (n=30). For each group, two questionnaires were completed before and two month after implementing education. The educational programs were based on (HBM) and were about knowledge on oral health and the importance of dental health problem and the way we can improve it. This program was carried out based on child to child approach and was a peer education program.Results: There were no statistical significant differences for mean score of knowledge (P=0.726), perceived susceptibility (P=0.758), perceived benefits (P=0.898), perceived barriers (P=0.950) and Cues to action (P= 0.950) among child to child group and trainer group. But There was a better practice of a child to child group in perceived severity (P=0.002) and increasing use of toothbrush (P=0.007) among students.Conclusion: The final statistical analyses showed that in improving oral health and use of toothbrush, which was the main goal of the research, peer education group was more than effective trainer education, However in many parts of health belief model there were no statistical significant differences between child to child and trainer group. So it is recommended to use child to child approach for many health educational programs.

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    2 (39)
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Background: Releasing of heavy metals in the environment caused by industrialization and urban, is a concern worldwide. Cadmium ion is toxic contaminants for Humans, Animals and plants that the maximum allowable concentration in water (0.005 mg/l) is defined by WHO. Different methods for removing heavy metals have been studied. In recent years, the use of low-cost adsorbent for removal of these metals has been considered by researchers. In this study, removal of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions with continues flow method was studied by prepared adsorbent from barley stems.Method: This experimental- laboratory study done in 2011. Barley stem particles in the range of 1.19 to 2 mm were investigated for removal of cadmium ions with continues down-flow by a column. All tests performed at constant pH of 6 and temperature of 27oC. The effective variables, the initial concentration, adsorbent bed height and inlet flow rate was studied for removal of cadmium ions. For each trial, value of 6 ml samples was collected at every 30 minutes of the output column. Cadmium ion concentration in each sample was measured with atomic absorption spectrophotometer.Results: Test results showed that the breakthrough curve absorption related to the studied variables. Increasing flow rate and input concentration decreases the saturation point and breakthrough time but increase the depth of adsorbent bed makes it longer. Maximum uptake of cadmium ions was obtained 6.808 mg/g in a flow 3ml/min, bed depth 30cm, and initial concentration 30mg/l.Conclusion: According to obtained results, increasing flow rate decreases the maximum of uptake of cadmium ions per gram of absorbent and the absorption efficiency. The input flow 2 ml/min on the adsorbent column with Barley stem was removed cadmium ions as well and also has a large absorption capacity. It is recommended that continuous flow method with the obtained parameters in this study be used in the chemically refining process.

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    2 (39)
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Background: Consequences of air pollution on the health effects, including the formation and aggravation of respiratory, neurological and cardiovascular disease, caused air quality monitoring and control as something inevitable in most urban & industrial areas issue that should be raised at national level. Industries are among important pollutant factors of the environment that contaminate their surrounding at the first step. Since air pollution monitoring has not been done in the air surrounding Barez Industrial Complex, therefore a research study is required to review air quality.Method: This study is of descriptive-cross sectional type and was performed from June to November of 2011. Monitoring of conventional pollutants (NO2, SO2, O3, PM10, CO) HC, and precipitated particulates was performed through interpolation between the concentration of pollutants inside the plant and its comparison with Air Quality Index (AQI).Air plant area was measured and evaluated in four symmetric directions and two different radii, and eight stations and three times a month for six months.152 & 48 samples were taken from each pollutant and precipitated particles respectively. Air Quality was determined based on Iranian standard.Results: the results of the tests showed that mean daily maximum concentration particulate matter (PM10) was 127.65 mgr/m3, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) equal 38.14 ppb, sulfur dioxide (SO2) equal 88.4 ppb, carbon monoxide (CO) equal 1.38 ppm, ozone (O3) equal 49.19 ppb. the carbohydrates equal 0.095 ppm and the monthly overage concentration of settleable particles13.35 gr/m2.mon. In all cases have been below the limit allow. Also the air quality index of all samples was within Iran’s air quality standards, WHO guidelines US-E and PA standards.Conclusion: Air quality is of suitable status in terms of maintaining health of workers & visitors. considering that the concentration of suspended particles (PM10) and the SO2 emissions are higher than other pollutants necessary measures should now be taken to prevent their concentration increase which may exceed the standards in future if proceed with present trend.

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    2 (39)
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Backgrouand: Study and promotion of knowledge, Attitude and behavior of oil and Fats consumption among Women has and essential role in determination of health status in community. We studied the amount of effectiveness of theatre in the women knowledge, Attitude and behavior on the consumption of oil and Fats.Method: this is Experimental (before and after) study on 130 women's in two group of case and control Data collecting was done by questionnaire demographic Variables and questions of knowledge, Attitude and behavior. Reliability and validity were assessed and approved. Data analysis was performed by SPSS Soft ware.Results: Before the theatre the average knowledge of the women was 15.53 out of 26. After the theatre this knowledge reached to 21.38 (P<0.001). Before the teacher the average attitude of the women vas 31.13 out of 40. After the theatre reached to 32.8 (P>0.001).Also before the theatre the average behavior of the women was 13.13 out of 24 after the theatre reached to 15.70 (P<0.001). That the differences were significant.Conclusion: According to these results the education through theatre had the effect on the knowledge, Attitude and behavior of oil and Fats consumption among women.

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    2 (39)
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Background: Organizational communication is one of the main activities of management and organization staff especially the health professions. To enhance the outcomes of working hospital managers should identify impact of communication, styles on the outcomes. Organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction are discussed as the most important outcomes of working for the staff. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between communication styles of nurses and perceived communication satisfaction and working consequences of nurses and offering a conceptual model.Method: The study adopted a survey research strategy in order to collect data. The study population consisted of medical personnel of Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad, through which 268 patients were studied. The data were obtained through standard questionnaires. Validaty of tools through factor analysis and reliability of tools via Cronbach's alpha were confirmed. Data were analyzed using smart pls software and related statistical methods.Results: Results of the research indicated that communication styles of nurses with a regression coefficient of 0.562, 0.216, 0.218, 0.204 were correlated respectively with perceived communication satisfaction, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment of nurses; communication satisfaction with a regression coefficient of 0.455, 0.316, 0.397 had a significant relationship with job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment of nurses. Also the role of mediate communication satisfaction between Gmmunication styles of nurses and outcomes of nurses due to aetivites, the larger level of indirect relationship was confirmed.Conclusion: Because communication styles have a high influence on the psychological and working consequences of nurses, the results of the study are useful for the hospital executives in order to develop efficient behavior, for success in the communication styles is the most important step for operationalization of nurses to be enjoyed.

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    2 (39)
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Background: Previous studies show that swimming in pools which are not well managed, can transmit infections. So there is still concern that swimmers by contacting with water and swimming pool environment could be affected by fungal diseases. So this study aimed to determine the amount of fungal contamination in indoor pools of Yazd in 2011.Method: In this study, all the indoor swimming pools of Yazd (12 pools) during the spring and summer of 2011 in terms of fungal contamination were studied. To determine fungal contamination of the sample, a sterile carpet collection method was used. Sixty samples from different environmental surfaces in each pool (shower, dressing room surface, the chair and sit in the sauna, bath, platforms, around the pool), 5 areas on average from each pool and to tally about 720 samples from all pools were tested for separation of bacterial contamination.Results: Results of the present study showed that from all the 720 cultivated samples, 495 samples (68.8%) were positive for one or more fungal contamination including 443 mould saprophyte (89.5%), 48 yeast saprophyte (9.7%) and 4 dermatophyte pathogenic fungi (0.8%). Most fungal species were isolated from showers, dressing area, sauna and pool's peripheral area.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is necessary to pay more attention to sanitation and disinfection of water and environment around swimming pools. Also necessary actions and educations on disinfection and eliminating contamination have to given to the pools authorities.

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    2 (39)
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Background: Diarrhea epidemic happens in most parts of the world especially in developing countries. Accordingly the present study was carried out aiming at surveying the impact of environmental factors on diarrhea incidence in Tangestan Township of Bushehr province in 2012.Method: In this study Case and Control groups were considered. The data were collected by distributing checklists.262 subjects in the Case group with diarrheal disease together with 262 subjects in the control group filled out distributed checklists. Afterwards they were collected. Data analysis was performed by applying SPSS statistical software and by descriptive statistics and by Logistic regression test.Results: The mean age of the subjects was of whom used reservoir for drinking water, 63.4% lived in rural areas, 66.8%of subjects used water alone in washing eating vegetables, 99.6% used healthy wastewater system, and 6.9% used unhealthy toilets. Logistic regression showed that these factors such as drinking water reservoir kind, food consumption menu and type of eating vegetable, and the presence of insect vectors in the living place increase the probability of diarrhea incidence in the case group 1.2, 2.93, 2.18 and 2.35more times, respectively, in comparison to the control group.Conclusion: Due to the determinant role of the environment in diarrhea incidence especially during warm seasons, it is necessary toEstablish educational hygienist programs especially for those people who work in Food Procurement and Distribution and Chlorination of water sources can result in diarrhea control in Tangestan Township.

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Background: The need for high-quality education and setting principles and practices for enhancing educational policy and practice using modern techniques is self-evident. The entrance of students into the factories is sometimes limited, and of particular concern is that students likely face danger by their presence at the workplace. A review of the related literature revealed no research involving simulations of airborne particles in the occupational health labs in our country. The aim of this study was to design a producer and simulator of airborne pollutants for measuring gases, vapors and particles in the lab.Method: First, a comprehensive search was performed through different and present modern laboratory systems for generation and collection of dust. Then, interviews were carried out with stakeholders researchers lecturers our colleagues and students. Later, the laboratory chamber for simulation was designed and assembled.Results: This paper describes laboratory chamber for simulation. It is possible to suspend dust, vapors and gases inside the chamber for measurement. The assessment of dispersed dusts inside the chamber showed relative steady concentration of respirable dust the average of which was 24.3 mg/m3 after 20 minutes.Conclusion: Satisfaction of occupational health students about good performance of chamber for teaching of sampling method indicates that this chamber can be used in all occupational labs for enhancing education quality without taking students to the field.

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    2 (39)
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Background: WHO says the General health is well being of physical, social and mental health, rather than just the absence of sickness or disability. The optimism is impact on mental, social and physical health. The aim of this study is determine relation between Optimism and general health in university students in Yazd, Iran.Method: This was a descriptive and Correlation study that was done in 300 students of universities of Yazd, Iran. The samples were selected by stratified random sampling. The data was collected by two standard questionnaires: 1- GHQ 28 AND2- Optimism questionnaire (LOT). The data were analyzed by SPSS16 and Anova, T- test and Pearson correlation test.Results: there was significant difference between optimism with general health (p=0.001), physical symptom (p=0.001), anxiety and sleep disorders (p=0.001), impaired in social function (p=0.001) and depression (p=0.001). there was significant difference between optimism of students and their general health based on kinds of their universities (p=0.001), so the mean grade scores of optimism of students of medical science was lower than others.Conclussion: the results of this study showed that there is significant relation between simulation and general health and must try ro increase the simulation of students.

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Background: Lice are the human permenant external parasites which causing irritation, pruritus, fatigue, malaise, poor health and learning disfunction. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of head lice infestation in urban female students of Rabat Karim primary schools during the years 2008-2009.Method: In an observational and multistage cluster sampling design, 10000 female students of Rabat Karim primary schools were studied. Questionnaires concerning the parameters pertinent to infestation included: family size, literacy, employment, access to healthy water, bathroom facilities and its weekly application, and availability of detergents, were completed. Data were analyzed and processed using SPSS and X2 test.Results: Out of 10000 subjects under study, 125 inviduals (i.e 1.25%) were infested with head lice, mostly 7 year-old students.No significant statistical relationships were found among access to healthy water, shower facilities and its frequency, availability of detergent and rate of infestation.Conclusion: Based on our findings, the most effective ways of preventing the problem of lice infestation (in 81/6% of cases) were direct referral of affected individuals to local health centers, education and treatment, programs after which, periodic examinations indicated lice left. Also literacy rate is an important factor in that the education of mothers, following and monitoring treatment process and progress is important in controlling and managing head lice infestation.

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Background: Regarding the importance of the youth in terms of the spread and risk of catching AIDS and since the only tool to control the disease is education, the present study was carried out to investigate the effects of Health education on knowledge attitudes and Behavior of students of high school in Zahedan.Methods: This pre-post quasi-experimental study was done on 280 high school male students in zahedan.Data were collected with a questionnaire before educational intervention, and one month later. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS software at the significant level of a=0.05.Results: The students' mean knowledge score increased from 11.80±3.008 to 16.32±1.97 (P<0.007), their mean attitude score from 22.17±3.02 ± 27.57±3.23 (P<0.002), and their mean behavior score from 4±1.14 to 5.63±1.33 (P<0.006) after education. Before intervention, 27% of the students had weak knowledge, 40% had average knowledge, and 23% of them had good knowledge, but after intervention these percentages changed to 5.4% (weak), 20.6% (average), and 74% (good) respectively. Before intervention 20.2% of the students had weak attitude, 51.8% average attitude, and only 28% enjoyed good attitude. These percentages changed to 0.7%, 7.9%, and 91.4% after the intervention Before intervention 38.1% of the students had weak Behavior, 51.8% average Behavior, and only 10.1% had good Behavior. These percentages changed to 0.7%, 15.7%, and 83.6% after the intention.Conclusion: Since the effect of education on the promotion of students’ knowledge and attitude, behavior has been approved, implementing health education programs in schools must be taken into consideration as aneducational priority on the part of health and education authorities throughout the country.

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Background: Slaughterhouse plays an important role in community health as a place to supply basic food source for human. Due to the effect of meat and products health on causing zoonosis diseases, this research was carried out to evaluate environmental health conditions of Yazd province slaughterhouses.Method: In this descriptive-analytical research, questioners were completed for all of slaughterhouses (14 cases) in Yazd province, by environmental health experts. To respond to any question, we were considered three options including "good", "undesirable", "medium". The Environmental Health experts trained on how to score during four meetings.Results: The results of this study indicated that 7% of personal health, 43% of facility, 64.5% of building, 57% of instruments, 14% of wastewater disposal, 93% of water and 57% of solid waste disposal were acceptable.Conclusion: This research showed that only new slaughterhouse in Yazd had essential environmental health standards, and other slaughterhouses had several health problems. This problem needs more attention for improving the health conditions of slaughterhouses.

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Background: Kinetic models in natural wastewater treatment systems design can have an important role to help designing other parts from aspects of physical, hydraulic and process in real scale, and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of system. So, the initial aim of wetlands design is removal of organic matter is, BOD5 and COD, so. Determining the kinetic coefficients is necessary.Method: In the present study, reaction kinetics of biological removal of organic substances in wastewater in subsurface reed beds have been investigated. For this purpose, samples from three sites in the lagoon were taken monthly during 6 months and the removal of organic materials, sBOD5 and sCOD was calculated. Afterward, the results were analyzed using the first order kinetic models, second order, Stover - Keane canon and statistical parameters.Results: Results showed the average concentration output of sBOD5 and sCOD in control of wetlands and reed, were 101.49, 56.92 and 81.78 and 46.18 mg/L, respectively. In the predicted behavior of organic matter removal, Stover - Keane Canon model presented closest connection between theoretical predictions and data of field reed beds. And the maximum coefficient of organic matter (UMax) in the wetlands with reed sBOD5 sCOD and control were 120.48, 142.85 and 33.3, 31.25 mg/L, respectively.Conclusion: According to the results, due to atmospheric conditions and design of Yazd wastewater treatment plant, the efficiency of this plant in removal of organic matter was high; Thereby provides sufficient reducing pollution and efficiency to meet the effluent outlet standards.

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View 742

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Background: physical activity at teenage time is known as Health determinant at adolescence and elderly. The aim of this study is determining of Intended level of physical activity and effective factors in boy high school students advice on a housing town in Tehran.Methods: A cross-sectional study done on 179 boy students. Data was collected through researchers made questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire was tested by content validity technique and - Cronbach's Alpha respectively. SPSS and descriptive and analytical statistics were used to analyze the Collected Data. Finally, based on the results, strategies for promoting physical activity for students was provided.Results: 36/3 percent, 34/1 percent and 29/6 percent of students respectively were low, moderate and severe physical activity level. The research community access to sports facilities were in the home respectively 54/2 percent low, 27/4 percent moderate and 18/4 percent high, and in the school, respectively, 55/3 percent low, 43 percent moderate and 1/7 percent high have evaluated. 74.3 percent of the students were not support enough and 25/7 percent had good support by their family. The level of physical activity had a significant relationship with BMI, class basis, and age. However it had no significant relations with parent’s education levels and job.Conclusion: To increase physical activity among students, school-based interventions and increased use of family support is essential. Creating and facilitating access to sports facilities in schools and homes should be. And the benefits of regular physical activity to be taught students and families.

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Backgroun: Food-born diseases are caused by entrance of microbial pathogens into food chain and handling is the main cause of food-born disease transportation. A lot of studies have been accomplished in other countries and some progress in food handling behaviors has been identified.Because of the importance of the issue and limited studies in Iran, the current study was carried out with the aim of investigating food handling behaviors among woman in Kerman.Method: This is a cross-sectional study. Research community was a group of women in Kerman being responsible for home food preparation. Data were collected using a questionnaire subsuming personal characteristics and food handling behaviors in the four sections of Cleaning, Separating, Cooking and Chilling. A total number of 320 women participated in the study with cluster random sampling. ANOVA and frequency distribution tables were used for data analysis.Results: Totally, 52% of the participants prepared their foods always at home and 44.4% consumed outdoor foods less than 1 servings per week. Participants earned 34.52±2.94 out of 40 scores in clean section, 30.99±2.97 out of 36 scores in cross contamination section, 26.25±2.54 out of 32 scores in cooking section and 37.87±2.88 out of 56 in chilling section. In cleaning section the most reported behaviors were washing hand after raw meat, chicken and fish exposure and avoiding unwashed fruits consumption. The most reported unhealthy behavior in this section was tasting food for decay. In cross contamination section, the most unhealthy reported behavior was putting raw meat lower than cooked meat in refrigerator. In cooking section, reported behavior was not consuming raw local milk and the less reported behavior was bubbling the conserved foods for at least 20 minutes. The less reported behavior in chilling section was cooling the cooked food in the room temperature and the most reported behavior was maintaining egg in refrigerator. There was no significant difference in mean score of food handling behaviors and the demographic subscales such as age, educational level, job, marriage status, family size and number of children. Also there was not a significant difference in mean score of food handling behaviors by number of food serving which were prepared at home and also number of outside meals.Conclusion: The level of food handling behavior among participants are not at a favorable level especially in chilling section which can be due to their low level of knowledge in this area. Therefore, researches and educational programs should be conducted addressing the strong and weak orientations in each section of food handling behaviors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: According to the UN, and Iran's annual report on global disaster, not only ranked among the world's countries in catastrophe risk, but ranks first of highest number death cases after occurrence earthquake. This study designed the impact of effect educational program on safety behavior of primary school students for earthquake according precede model in Ahvaz city.Method: This study was case-control to evaluate the safety behavior of students was conducted in 2011.400 primary school students of the two schools by multi- cluster sampling and Simple sampling was selected in Ahwaz. Data were collected from Demographic, knowledge, attitude, and behavior questionnaire, data analysis was conducted with SPSS16 and paired t-tests and chi-square test used for analysis.Results: After education the mean score of predisposing factors (P<0.001), enabling factors (P<0.002), reinforcing factors and self -helping behaviors (P<0.001) increased significantly in the intervention group as compared to the control group respectively.Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that precede model was effective educational intervention in increasing self -helping behavior in students for earthquake.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: In this time to see deeply quality of growth children pattern and use findings of our research and global experiments for increasing physical and mental capabilities of children. Study the Relationship between implementation of integrated well child care plan and child indicators in Noor health network in order to reform this plan and improve helth children.Method: This research is applied, cross-sectional and correlation. during the period 2007 and 2012 statistics associated with the integrated well child care plan of health network noor collected. Data collection instruments, data collection form, the researcher has made and the extraction results of the test kolmogrov smirnov, pearson and t-test was used.Results: There is no significant relationship between implementation of integrated well child care plan and under one and five year chilren mortality rate, vaccination coverage. But there is significant relationship between implementation of integrated well child care plan and rate of pneumonia in children under 5 years, refer children to doctor, growth disorder in children, accident, poisoning, scorch in in Noor health network.Conclusion: The results clearly indicate possetive effect of implementation of integrated well child care plan on rate of pneumonia in children under 5 years, refer children to doctor, growth disorder in children, accident, poisoning, scorch but the attention to the weaknesses identified by effective interventions and better planning by managers can be a step toward improving public health and the health indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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