Lack of water along with environmental problems have put focus on wastewater treatment and its potential for reuse. This study aimed to study the photo catalytic impact of using zeolite and garnet in purification of the organic pollutant from industrial wastewater. In summer of 2016 samples were taken from the industrial wastewater of station number 13 in the Khuzestan steel factory. A pilot with the scale of 1: 150 (10 × 24 × 100 cm) was built with hydraulic conditions of this station. The pilot was built of fiberglass material and was divided into 5 ponds with the internal dimensions of 10 × 24 × 20 cm, equipped with outlet valve. There was 5 cm of different amounts of zeolite and garnet inside each pond with three replications including: G100, Z100, G50Z50, G70Z30 and G30Z70. The aggregation was 0. 2 mm and the wastewater was shed to the remaining 5 cm of the height in each pond and was laid in the light of the sun. After 2, 4 and 6 days, the wastewater of each pond was evacuated and sampled through the outlet valve and was replaced with new wastewater. Then, the amounts of BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, EC, SS, turbidity, pH and OIL were measured with the standard methods. The results showed that the applied levels caused reduction of BOD, COD, TSS, SS, OIL, and turbidity in the output wastewater respectively to the amount of 94. 1, 94. 94, 84, 90. 59, 92. 84, and 87. 26 percent. The amount of TDS and DO were increased by 1. 9 and 1. 2 times respectively. The results of the tests related to the levels represented the good performance and proper efficiency of this system, particularly in the case of levels containing garnet and they showed the ability of doing photo catalytic process for removal of existent organic pollutants from the industrial wastewater.