Aim and Background: Psychological climate perceptions have received considerable attention in the organizational literature and have been used to predict a variety of important individual and organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction, burnout, job involvement, organizational citizenship behavior, psychological empowerment, job control and job performance. The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between perceived psychological climate with job control.Method and Materials: In a cross-sectional correlative study, a sample of 459 employees were selected through simple random sampling from the Snowa industrial factory whole staff. The instruments used in the study included psychological climate questionnaire and job control questionnaire. The validities of both questionnaires were confirmed by confirmatory factor analyses and the reliabilities of the two questionnaires were confirmed measuring the Cronbach's Alpha. Data were analyzed using pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis.Findings: The results showed significant relationships (P<0.01) between all of the psychological climate components (autonomy, cohesion, trust, pressure, support, recognition, fairness and innovation) with job control. The results of the stepwise regression analyses showed that the components of autonomy, support, cohesion and innovation have significant predictive power for predicting job control and its domains.Conclusions: This study describes a process through which employees' perceptions of work environment (psychological climate) can predict their job control. This research shows how an environment that is perceived as psychologically safe and meaningful by employees is related to greater job control in the organization.