Salsola orientalis S .G.Gmelin is a perennial plant species of chenopodiaceae family. Because of its palatability, as a range plant, and recent drought it has been overgrazed in a way that it was eliminated in some areas, or only the individual plants of this species could be found. This research was conducted to map the habitats of the plant in Khorasan region and investigate on its habitat characteristics (topographic, climatic, edaphic), phenology, regeneration, root system, density, and canopy cover. Results showed that elevation range for the habitats of this plant is 500-1500 meters above sea level. It could be found on different aspects and slopes of 5-40 percent. Annual precipitation and temperature are 150-400 mm and 10-17.5 degree centigrade, respectively. In most of its habitats, in Khorasan region, this plant is accompanied with dominant species of Artemisia diffusa, Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and some other species of genus Salsola. This range plant grows on moderately deep to deep soils with sandy loam to silty loam texture, acidities of about 7.4-7.8, and EC of 0.8-7.2 ds/m. It has a tap root system. So many small branch roots are connected to the main root. The root system can infiltrate into the soil to a depth of 1.5 meters. Phenology stages for Salsola orientalis showed that vegetative growth is from early March until early June. Flowering starts in late May. Seed ripening is in late October until mid November. Seed dissemination happens in late November until early December. Plant regeneration is via seeds. At phenological stage of seed formation, chemical analysis of forge portion resulted in 13.4% protein, 18.28% ashes, 2.62% calcium, and 26.19% fiber.