Dameghan floodwater spreading system in Semnan province is located on Daryan temporary river Ghoosheh plain. The system was established in 1992 by local organization of Ministry of Jahade – Keshavarzi in sake of soil conservation and as a consequence strengthening of water tables. The system has 12 channels of 350 m width and 2 km length. The effect of flood water spreading on soil fertility was examined in this study. Three primary stripes were selected, and each divided in to 12 equal parts. Soil samples were collected from 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths. Control site were selected from the strips adjacent areas. Soil samples were taken to the lab and analyzed. Analysis of variation showed that the effect of floodwater spreading on increasing of silt, organic matter(Om), saturation percent(Sp), chlorine(Cl) Nitrogen(N) and phosphorous(P) at probability of %99 is significant while on increasing of clay, electrical conductivity(EC), soil cations (Ca++), (Mg++), (Na+) and (K+) at probability of %95. The negative effect of flood water spreading on sand and (pH) at probability of %99 significant. No significant effect on calcium carbonate (Caco3), capacity of cation exchange (CEC), percent of exchangeable sodium(ESP) and absorbing potassium (K) was observed.