Every literary work is composed, read and understood in a
communicative process and exists as a cultural phenomenon. No text can
probably be found in Persian literature with as much sensitivity to
communication and its problems as the Masnavi, some part of which even
have a metacommunicative function.
The constituent components of any act of verbal cOIIll11unicationare:
addresser, message, addressee, context, contact, and code. These six
elements have the following functions respectively: emotive, poetic,
conative, referential, phatic and metalingual. In any communication event,
one function is dominant over the others. In Rumis Masnavi, which is a
didactic work of literature, the referential and conative functions are
Since the Masnavi is a narrative text, there are two communication
schemes in its texts in addition to the scheme "author-text-reader". One is
the relation existing between the narrator and the reader, and the other is the
relation between the characters who are engaged in intercourse and social