The Sabzevar complex ophiolite as a part of Khorasan ophiolite belt is located in 175 Km Northwestern of Sabzevar (L., 560 50' 20" and A., 360 35' 30"). These complexes are including
igneous rocks consist of both peridotites (lherzolite, dunite and harzburgite), serpentinite, gabbros and a volcanic sequence composed of basalts, andesites, rhyolites and basanites. Based on the geochemical characteristics and petrographic observations, the mentioned rocks have been classified both in terms of tectonic settings and the chemistry. According to this research, it is proven that the basic to intermediate igneous rocks are very similar to that of Arc Island type setting rocks, and also very similar to each other in terms of genesis. It means, they are formed from unit melt segregation. But, the ophiolite complexes are very close to that of ocean ridge basalt-like composition, in the extrusive units of Neo-Tethyan. All of this rock unites could be the result of the oceanic spreading center development activities, when, through changing the extension regime to the compression one, it could penetrate into the previous continental plate to form colored mélange.