One of the most important problems in economic literature is the question of evaluating different parts of an organization and determining the indexes for this work.Therefore, we need some suitable indexes. In this context there are different methods, but DEA method (Data Envelopment Analysis) is a very effective and dynamic index for measuring efficiency and productivity. In this method we select one or more firms (banks) from among the efficient firms and compare them with each other and calculate the input or output slacks of each inefficient firm.In this paper according to DEA method we have measured the efficiency of 40 Islamic banks in different countries with the assumption of variable return to scale (VRS) and constant return to scale (CRS). The results indicate that with CRS assumption, Qatar international Islamic bank, Sudan state bank, Pakistan kheibar bank, Bahrain albaraka hank, Bahrain Islamic ABC bank, Yamane Islamic hank, turkish albarakat Islamic bank proved efficient banks and with VRS assumption Qatar Islamic bank, Albany Islamic Arabic bank, Pakistan habib bank, Senegal Islamic bank, Qazaqestan state bank, Egypt SAE bank, Sudan state bank, Aboozabi Islamic bank, Pakistan kheibar bank, Bahrain Albaraka Islamic bank, Bahrain Islamic ABC bank, Keshavrzi bank, Maskan bank, Melli bank, Refah bank, Saderat bank, Yamane Islamic bank and Turkish albarakat bank proved efficient.