The agricultural section, which has the mission of supplying and enhancing food security in the country, faces several serious threats such as limited water resources and favorable farming lands, and sometimes their nonrenewability and severe climate change. One of the major problems of the agricultural section is the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases, which is mostly due to human activities causing climate change. Therefore, first of all, the effects of climate change on agriculture should be investigated and then, the adaptation strategies should be considered. The purpose of this article is to explain the adaptation strategies to climate change using the grounded theory method in South Khorasan province. The statistical population of this research is 90 experts, informed people, and pundits. The snowball sampling was started purposefully, and it was continued up to saturation in theoretical form, and data were collected by semi-structured interview, observation, and field notes. For data analysis, the comparative analysis method was used and the extracted strategies were classified in 5 distinct categories including economic and financial, education and extensional, managerial, institutional and infrastructural, technical and agricultural. Moreover, all sections and concepts are interpreted, and recommendations and suggestions are provided.