Narratology or real recognition in the field of virtual component is used both as a method and instrument, and as a cognitive approach in the social sciences to describe, explain and explanation of timely, meaningful and contextual phenomenon. This cognitive perspective as a paradigm and epistemic field is formed of various theories and approaches, each of them emphasized its theoretical part of the elements and variables. Because the human-moral approach of the Imposed War has hidden aspects and its many layers such as mind, meaning, value, time, collective action, narrator, identity, experience, memory, structure, agent, it is imperative, to achieve integrated and comprehensive models and theoretical frameworks, a precise genealogy of existing theories be done. There are different theories among this recall of the theoretical foundations of narratology as the theory of narrative realism, historical narrative, narrative constructivism theory, describing and explaining the theory of image and language-game theory, Erlebnis theory, Mimesis theory and Ante narrative approach. In this regard, this article seeks to understand the elements, concepts, and sensitive variables of these theories and link it with the main subject.