This scholarship in response to the question of claims of two narratives of rule-deontologicalism, including constructionalistic and representational to the foundations of social justice, introduce this hypothesis that each of two narratives have not adhere to the logical requirements of their own rightistic deontologism. Constructional narrative, accepting contract consesustualistic, confronts its own foundationalistic claims, and making just ability of whole give up of ethical deontologism of behalf utilitarianistic teleologism, and representational narrative, at last is reduced to specific and local values, and denying practically universalism, interprets its own rationalistic foundationalism along with teleologism.This article pays attention to these two narratives in topics like origins of moral values in general, and social justice in particular, founationalism, universalism and teleologism of these values, priority of right or good on another, formation of moral identity, placement and employment the justices concept and criteria of social criticism.