After failing the ideals of the early twenty century for improving international environment, and in order to solve its problems, The United Nations constituted over the shattered structure of The League of Nations. But, despite of the UN, as a success institution, we must admitted that these were mirage in some aspect, and because of importance of state’ interest, both of them failed to achievement of their goals.Since the establishment, veto of five permanent members of Security Council, faced with some serious criticism, especially from small countries that were opposed to this unfair right. Today, in spite of this ratiocination that the world needs Great Power to save peace, there are sever objections against this right, Especially after the Iraq War. Now, we must know to what extent, these countries have the right to veto. And to what extent granting this right to the five members of the Security Council has been helpful for the international community?Based on this uncertainty, some governments and various agencies have been tried to plan for the permanent members of the Security Council to provide alternatives.