From the political sociology point of view, emerging and continuity of modem societies have been a combined with some kind of totalitarianism in west (as the First step of development), modem nation-states, modem revolutions, modem wars, Formation of totalitarian Communism-Fashism, democratic systems, and at least Globalization, terrorism, Terrorism phenomena has been deep in glomming because of ontology, epistemology, and political sociology, and has been the base of bilateralism and unharmonize Function of national and international political power side. And accordingly this situation has made some kind of disturbance in social and political systems and international relations as a whole. In this research, we take for garented the rise of terrorism by statistic, and the next step Refer to ontology of terrorism according to scholars and politicians point of view. The take for garented that with the falling down of capability of states, sociopolitical movements rise up in national, international, and even global level, and from this perspective, we study terrorism phenomena in level of analysis in which sociopolitical movements formed. At last, we study the function of terrorism mechanism from rational choice point of view.