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The recent economic crisis in Western World has increased the interrelationship importance of production factors share in economic growth. In recent years according to several evidences concerning instability in production, the subject of "functional distribution of income" has found its place. Many analyst considered the relationship between economic growth and inequality from the "personal income distribution" point of views but the effect of labour factor share on economic growth have not received enough attention. In this paper the CES production function is used to analyses the effect of changes in labour production share on economic growth both theoretically and empirically. From the theoretical point of view it is shown that increase in capital production share resulting from decrease in labour share leads to reduction in economic growth rate. On the other hands, in a consumption-based society, increase in capital production share causing interest rate increase, induces reduction in saving rate and this reduces the economic growth rate. Based on empirical study observing Iranian economy during 1370-1390 (1991-2011) does not reject the hypothesis.

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Football is the most popular sport in developed countries which has a major share of the total sports industry market. In this study we used to Determining the pricing equation premier of league football players of Iran based on ordinary least squares. Research tools were include of three achieved questionnaires that content validity was confirmed during the several meeting and discussed and reform with elites. The first questionnaire was prepared with 39 items and the validity index value 87% and the second questionnaire with 42 items and the validity index value 89%. After collecting the primary questionnaires, couple scale AHP questionnaire was prepared with 5 components and 22 items that were weighted by 10 members of the elite and analyzed with using of Expert choice tool. Samples containing 5 team of superior league Iran football in the 1392-1393 season. . Then, the price equation was estimated with using ordinary least squares and Eviews software. Estimation results were showed that tactics factor 0/33, technical factor 0/13, fitness factor-0/34, social acceptance factor 0/19 and club brand factor 1/45. Therefore, except physical fitness index which have inversely related to pricing, other index have direct related with superior league football players pricing.

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Iran’ s economy has experienced an average inflation rate of 18. 77 percent during the period of 1979-2010. Many economists believe that the budget deficits are one of the main determinants of the chronic and relatively high inflation. This paper investigates the relationship between budget deficits and inflation. Dynamics of Iran’ s monetary sector, based on the three cointegration relations i. e. the money market, the purchasing power parity and the Fisher inflation parity, is studied by SVARX model. The results indicate that, the operating deficits lead to increasing prices through real money balances and repression of interest rates in the long run, and thereby inflation is a monetary phenomenon. However, the inflation is mainly related to the government budget and, through monetary channels in return, inflation affects real money balances and interest rates. Moreover, the continuing operating deficits is not due to inflation, but it mainly depends on the capital surplus and repression of the interest rates. In the short run, both increasing the operating deficits and decreasing the capital balance lead to an increase in the budget deficits, but their inflationary effects are different. The impact of reducing capital balance on inflation is temporary, while increasing the operating deficits have more permanent effects on inflation, relative prices and exchange rates.

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Oil prices may be having a direct and indirect effect through the exchange rate on the price of agricultural commodities. In this paper, the impact of world oil prices and exchange rate shocks on prices of specific agricultural commodities including wheat, corn, soybeans and sunflowers in Iran is discussed. For this purpose, Vector Autoregressive Model with monthly data over the period 2010-1994, is used. After estimating the model, we can calculate the impulse response functions and variance analysis, and then, Response of prices of selected agricultural commodities to oil price and exchange rate shocks, and the contribution of each of these shocks to the forecast error variance of the variables examined. According to these results, Corn and soybean prices responses to oil price and exchange rate shocks is negative. Also, the effect of oil price shocks and exchange rate on wheat and sun flower price shows that Wheat and sunflower have a positive to the shock of the oil price and exchange rate. Also the results of the analysis shows that the relative importance of oil price shocks for three products including soybean, corn and sunflower is greater than exchange rate. But for wheat it is different and Exchange rate is almost more explanatory than oil price.

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The natural gas consumption in Iran has been continuously increasing due to several reasons including low prices of natural gas, development of gas supply networks, people’ s salary increase, incorrect consumption culture and the increase of national economy growth. Although, the global natural gas consumption has increased by 38% since 2001, the national consumption in Iran has increased by 118% (IEA, 2013). The subsidy paid by the Iranian government for natural gas is worth 25. 5 billion dollars which is the highest in the world according to IEA reports. With regard to the social and economical benefits and drawbacks of subsidy reform plan, it was implemented in Iran in December 2010. Since the residential and commercial sectors are considered as the major natural gas consumers in the final consumption (over 46% in 2012), reducing the consumption in these sectors can play a key role in the total consumption. Thus, in this research the impacts of the subsidy reform plan on the natural gas consumption in residential and commercial sectors are examined and compared. For this purpose, a panel data is used for all Iranian provinces to examine and compare the impacts of the plan on different provinces. To examine the impact of the subsidy reform plan, a dummy variable is added, which equals zero for the seasons before implementation of the plan and equals 1 for the seasons after the implementation. The consistency of this variable in the residential sector indicates that the plan affects the household natural gas consumption.

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In the era of globalization, particularly, since early 1990s, economies around the world have been affected considerably by co-movements in one or more countries. In the literature this phenomenon is recognized as synchronization in business cycles, while joint policies being conducted by trading partners can modify such effects properly. The objective of this paper has been to evaluate a possible synchronized relationship between GDP and international trade cycles in the selected countries in different economic blocks consisting of developed, emerging, oil-exporting and non-oil exporting countries. The causality between these cycles has been analyzed spectrally during 1970-2013 in low and high frequencies. The results obtained show the existence of causation from trade cycles towards GDP cycles in all blocks. Hence, trade relations have caused production cycles, implying the more degree of trade expansion the more synchronization intensity in the business cycles.

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Researches in exploring of driving forces of regional endogenous development, concentrate on subjects which have been so controversial. Regional endogenous development (RED), together with other core regional development concepts, is usually focused on the sub-national regional development process of the home country. This paper attempts to conceptualize and examine regional endogenous development model for Iran’ s regions. The work presented here contributes to the design of a regional endogenous model which is tested in Iran by assessing the domestic forces and drivers of development based in 30 Iranian regions. The paper introduces a conceptual model for the study and then develops and tests the model with data for the primary regions of Iran. Large and positive correlation is found between measures of latent and explanatory independent and dependent variables in the regional endogenous model. Specifically it is found that such endogenous factors as institution, human capital, entrepreneurship, leadership, innovation and resource endowment are critical driving force for achieving increased regional productivity and thus tailoring of polices to support regional endogenous development and growth.

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In this paper, by using a model of the new Keynesians, we investigated the role of the central bank's accountability to shocks that causes deviations in the performance of the monetary policymakers. For this purpose, we used quarterly data for 69: 1 to 93: 3, and estimated the basic equations of the new Keynesians model. Then, By calculating the optimal values for the central bank's accountability to the two potential sources of deviations from the goals of economic stability and deviation of commitment to rules, we compared the loss of central bank to the loss of social. The results showed that the degree of central bank's accountability to commitment an instrumental rule is less than the degree of the accountability to achieve the goals of economic stability. Also, the central bank with applying Reforms in the implementation of its policy by optimal response to both types of deviations can be close to the results of the welfare society. Then, in order to compare the importance of accountability of the central bank to achieve both goals, we considered two cases. The results showed that in the period of study in Iranian economy, the main objective of monetary policymaking has been more focused on stability of the economic goals but, the importance of commitment to follow an announced rule and accountability to that rule is too low, so that, it had no impact on the welfare function of the central bank.

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Exchange rate has the fundamental role as one of the economy key variables in determining the domestic price. So it is important to know how is the empirical relationship between the exchange rate and domestic prices and the factors influencing this relationship. The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of vehichel imports share on the exchange rate pass – through on domestic price of vehichels in Iran over period of 1361-1390. For this purpose, the model of research has been estimated by using Johansen multivariate contigration technique. The estimation results indicate that there exist a long run relationship between the market share and the exchange rate pass – through, but the exchange rate pass – through is incomplete due to the share of forigen vehichel imports in domestic vehichels market. In other words, increasing the share of imports, reduces degree of exchange rate pass – through on domestic prices.

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It is expected that, compared with other power plants, changes in fuel cost for power plants in the deregulated electricity market leads to changes in the generation capacity of wind power plants. To quantify this effect, this article aims at modeling energy generation capacity and supply or distribution of different power plants as opposed to those of wind power plants. The proposed model was simulated using POWERSIM software from 1389 to 1398. The effect of fuel cost for wind power plants on their generation capacity and supply were compared with those of other power plants. The results clearly show that increasing the fuel cost for power plants will lead to a continuous increase in the capacity of wind power plants, and hydroelectric power plants and a decrease in the capacity of steam power plants. Comparing the results related to changing fuel cost with those of not changing it shows a higher increase in the investment and capacity of wind and hydroelectric power plants in comparison with other power plants.

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