From the public budgeting sector perspective, time inconsistency, is testable by significant deviation of budget efficiency performance from the approved. One way to avoid the problem of time inconsistency is to follow, the delegation approach. According to this approach, for any executive monetary or fiscal decision making and planning, an independent monetary or fiscal planning institution or sector is established, a part from the executive one. Objective evidences such as these institutions in metropolitan cities of the country, are formation of the planning deputies as a new municipal organization of the metropolitan cities such as Isfahan municipality. In this survey, we first, estimated approved and budget efficiency performance of fourteen municipalities with central municipality of the Isfahan metropolitan city from 2009 to 2012 by parametric method of Timer and WinQSB software. Two tailed T-test, at 95% confidence interval and Pearson’ s correlation coefficient are used for significant deviations of the approved budget efficiency from the performance by SPSS 18. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is also used for data normality test. The results indicate that, Isfahan deputy of planning was not able to avoid the phenomenon of time inconsistency during 2009 and 2010. But, after two years, during 2011 and 2012, delegation approach was able to avoid it.