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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Natural gum and resins are basic materials required by different industries, including food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, painting, etc. They are extracted trom various plants such as coniferous, citrus, elm, oleaster, apricot and wild pistachio species. The main problem is that the gum should be extracted trom mature and aged trees. Cutting the trees bark and some times the young wooden layer of the stem or young branches, is one of the methods of extracting gum and resin in these trees. Insects bit and bark damage by some fungi also is a way to extract gums, because the trees produce gum or resin against disease contamination. In that case, the plants are very aged and weak. Thus, gum and resin exudation, particularly when is repetitive, can lead to general plant weakness and finally to its death.It was tried to obtain extract from young seedlings of Pistacia atlantica in this research program which require a preliminary study of resin and gum ducts physical structure and their growth and development process. Resin ducts were studied in root, shoot and leaf by picking one-year organ samplings. Samples were fixed with FAA fluid and kept in fridge (4-8oc) for a while. Then the samples were hydrated with an alcohol series and cut using Rm-2035 microtome. Five to 10 thick sections were stained with periodic acid and Schiffs reagent (PAS) and toluidine blue O. Preparations were studied under a light microscope and photographs were taken using 100 ISO Konica Minolta color film.As a result, the number of gum duct in the bark of root, stem and leaf was discriminated in Pistacia atlantica seedlings. The results showed that it is possible to identify different genotypes of Pistacia atlantica through this differentiation. Moreover, it might be demonstrated that despite of former idea for resin production of seedlings, it is possible to have resin product at seedling stage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (24)
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Poplar as fast growing tree with a great potential of coppicing at consecutive periods is the most suitable tree species to provide wood at short period. The high volume of wood at short periods (2-5years) produced under the short rotation system is used in different industries such as particle board, pulp and paper.In this study, 18 poplar clones of various groups and species were being examined in two 4 year rotation period. A randomized complete blocks design with three replications was applied. Overall, cuttings of each clone were planted in each plot including 10 cuttings on each planting row.At end of the first year, the seedlings were clear-cut to produce vigorous shoots and roots (to provide more nutrition for shoots). The annual measurements contained: survival, height, stem diameter, total number of shoots and those more than two meters height and shoots diameter at breast height. At the end of each rotation period, the measurements including: intermediate diameter, collar diameter and classification of wood products, based on different parts of crown, wet and dry weights of the wood were determined under field and laboratory conditions.The results for two consecutive harvesting showed that:- P.e . vernirubensis, P.e . 561/41, P.e. triplo and P.e. costanzo were able to produce the highest yield of 24 to 27 tone/ha/year dry matter.- In terms of survival rate, the four above mentioned clones and P.nigra clones achieved the highest and both P.deltoides and P.alba achieved the lowest percentage.- The second rotation period produced higher volume of wood (about double) compared to the first period due to the optimal establishment, vast and vigorous roots and modified growing conditions.

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    2 (24)
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Chloroplast (cp) DNA polymorphism was analyzed in 14 populations of beech (Fagus orienta/is Lipsky) by PCR-RFLP and microsatellite (SSR) chloroplast markers. Two cpDNA inter genic regions DT and OA were amplified and treated with HaeIII and HinfI, respectively. The restriction fragments of the region DT did not show polymorphism among individuals within any population analyzed. However, among individuals within the analyzed populations of Asalem region and Neka-1400 population, polymorphism in the restriction fragments of the OA region was found. Three haplotypes, which could be phylogenetically ordered, were detected in this survey encompassing most of the natural range of the species. The high level of genetic differentiation (Gst=%69) together with the highly structured geographic variation contrast with low level of nuclear genetic differentiation measured in previous studies with isozymes and indicate a low level of gene flow by seeds. Among nine analyzed microsatellites, two showed polymorphism. Two and six different length variants at ccmp4 and ccmp7 loci were found, respectively, which combined into 10 different haplotypes. The distribution of haplotypes showed a very strong differentiation among populations (Fst=80%) and clear geographic structure. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 52, 28 and 20% of the total cpSSR variation was attributable to differences among regions, among populations within regions and within populations, respectively. Clear evidence has been obtained that geographical distance is a major factor of population differentiation in the beech. This long-range pattern of variation was partially expected, given the huge natural range of beech and the existence of a gradient of variation in ecological factors. The high haplotype richness in the western populations, which found by the both markers in this investigation, is in accordance with this hypothesis that the beech forests of the Hyrcanian regions distributed from West to East.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (24)
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The aim of the' study was to investigate the effects of terbinthine exploitation on bark redress and longevity of wild pistachio (P. atlantica Desf subsp. mutica (F.&M. Rech.F.) under statistical design of split plots with four replicates and at three year period. The treatments consisted of stem diameter at four classes (20-30, 31-40, 41-50, > 50 cm) and bark slits at 10 different numbers (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50) . The trial was conducted in the pistachio Experimental Forest at Fars province of Iran. The bark slits were made twice a year (the first two months of summer). After measuring terbinthine production at each treatment, mechanism of bark redress was also studied. The mechanism of bark redress was significantly different at various stem diameter classes, in which the highest and the lowest rate of bark redresses were found in young or middle-aged and old-aged trees, respectively. It might be concluded that terbinthine exploitation from wild pistachio trees of the studied forest will negatively affect the growth and longevity of the trees, due to inadequate scientific and technical method of bark wounding, ecologically hard environment condition and high percentage of old-aged trees at the studied site. For this reason, terbinthine exploitation is not recommended at such forests.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (24)
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For determining of suitable poplar clones for utilizing in cellulose industries on the basis of maximum wood production in hectar ,15 clones of Populus deltoMes, P.euramericana and P.nigra were studied in three exploitation period (2,3 and 4 years) in chamestan of Mazandran province.In order to homogenize the material, all the shoots were cut at the bottom after the first growth year.At the end of each exploitation period, all stems and shoots were cut and weighted two times; 1) wet wood product and 2) dry biomass after six months of drying in the open air.Some parameters such as survival, number of total coppice stems per collar, number of shoots over 2 m height, mean diameter and mean height of shoots over 2 m height, diameter and height of the highest stems and resistance to pests and diseases were studied and compared at the end of the project. Results were analyzed on the basis of randomized complete block design.Results showed that:a) In 2 years short rotation system, P.d. 69/55, P.e. triplo and P.d. 73/51 produced the highest amount of dry biomass of 20.05, 17.52 and 17.19 ton/ha/year, respectively.b) In 3 years short rotation system, P.d.77/51, P.e. triplo and P.d. 69/55 produced the highest amount of dry biomass of 16.70, 15.75 and 14.73 ton/ha/year, respectively.c) In 4 years short rotation system, P.d. 69/55, P.d. 77/51 and P.e. triplo produced the highest amount of dry biomass of 19.00, 17.77 and 16.96 ton/ha/year, respectively.The differences between dry biomass productions of poplar clones in each rotation system were significant.

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    2 (24)
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The purpose of the study was to investigate some of the soil chemical characteristics of few forest types of Zagros region of Iran at Marivan City of Kurdistan province. For this reason, map of the forest types was developed at first. The forest types were: Quercus brantii- Crataeguspotnica, Quercus brantii- Acer monspessulanum, Quercus libani- Quercus brantii, and Quercus libani- Pistacia atlantica accompanied with Pyrus syriaca. In order to study the chemical characteristics, four soil profiles were dug in each forest type at same level of altitude and slope. Soil samples were taken from different depths of the profiles (0-25, 25-50, and 50-75 cm). The trial was conducted under the design of Randomized Complete Blocks with four replicates.The results showed that the amount of organic carbon of the first layer of the soil profiles in all forest types was greater than the other two layers, whereas Quercus brantii - Acer monspessulanum type had the lowest amount among the forest types. Furthermore, pH of the soil profile of this forest type was greater than the other forest types due to probably higher level of lime in its soil profile. There was not significant difference between the forest types in respect to amount of nitrogen, whereas the amount of phosphorus at the mentioned forest type was at the lowest level due to low amount of organic carbon. The amount of potassium at the all forest types decreased when the soil depth increased. Overall, the forest types differed significantly in respect to their soil chemical characteristics and the forest type in which there was greater level of organic carbon, they had more appropriate soil characteristics in comparison to the other forest types.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (24)
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Identification and introduction of forests production potential, particularly in respect to their byproducts, can conserve and rehabilitate the forest resources. Among the trees and shrubs of Zagros region of Iran, Pistacia atlantica Desf. subsp. mutica (F.&M.) Rech. F. is highly important for its special characteristics, particulary gum and seed production. Gum and seed are exploited and processed artfully in some parts of Zagros region. Special characteristic of this species in seed production which is concerned by some food industries such as pickle, oil and dessert, could be concerned as substitution for gum exploitation.Information about amount of local seed production and the forest potential can provide data for the local authorities to make clear and basic programme. For this reason, seed production at different age classes was studied. The trial was conducted in Poshtkooh-Falard forests of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province. After investigation on quantitative and qualititative characteristics of the Pistachio trees such as fruit production and age, 10 femal trees at different diameter classes were selected. Seeds were collected separately from each tree and total seed weight of each tree and weight of 100 seeds was measured.Furthermore, correlation between seed amount and breast height diameter dbh and other parameters was determined.The results showed that increase in stem diameter increased the total and the mature seeds, but the greatest seed mature/ total ratio was found at 15 and 20 cm dbh classes. The trees of 20 and 25 cm dbh classes produced the highest amount of mature seeds, based on total number of pistachio trees at the province. Because most of pistachio trees of the province are at diameter classes of 15 to 25 cm, their seed production and consequently the dwellers income will be highly remarkable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (24)
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The aim of the research was to study the adaptability of 13 needleleaved species and provenances under semi-arid and severe cold climate of Hamadan province of Iran on deep alluvial and light textured (Sandy loam) soils (pH= 7.65). The trail was conducted in 2001 under randomized complete blocks design and was, harvested in 2005, using 13 treatments, including Juniperus virginiana, Thuja orientalis, four provenances of Pinus nigra, P.eldarica, P. sylvestris, two provenances of Cupressus arizonica, two provenances of Picea abies and Cedrus deodara at spacing of 3 x 3 m.The result showed that J.virginiana, B. orientalis, P. eldarica, P.sylvestris, C.arizonica and four prevanances of P. nigra were the most adaptable species (>86% survival), whereas P.abies and C.deodora were the worst adaptable species (<40% survival). The species differed significantly in respect to survival and height growth at 5% error. The greatest and the lowest values of height growth belonged to P.eldarica and P.abies, respectively. Based on the results and aims of the study, it could be concluded that the species C.arizonica, B.orientalis and P. eldarica are appropriate species for forest plantation, but the other species need further more studies.

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