This study was performed to survey the site and silvicultural characteristics of Juniperus foetidissima Willd. in its exclusive habitat in the Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve. Measurements of height, canopy diameter, diameter of breast height, number of trees with single trunks, age, annual ring diameter, seedling density, health of canopy and quality of trunk were performed in 36 plots of 300 m2 each distributed in three height, four aspect and three slope classes. In addition, soil profiles were excavated in 12 plots, in which samples were taken from surface and lower horizons. The measured samples were applied to determine the values of pH, EC, OC, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na, lime and soil texture. Except for annual ring diameter, abundance of trees with medium and low health of canopy and bad quality of trunk, the results showed significant differences of other vegetative characteristics among the three height classes. These attributes were significantly different in four aspect classes, while other differences in tree characteristics were not significant. Furthermore, all vegetative traits except the number of trees, abundance of trees with single trunks, abundance of trees with good health of canopy and excellent quality of trunk were not significantly different among the three slope classes. The results also showed that in different geographic aspects all the physical and chemical properties in surface and lower layers were significantly different. Finally, the J. foetidissima populations were associated with an old age structure and low regeneration. Full enclosure and planting seeds and seedlings of J. foetidissimawill therefore ensure the sustainability of these populations in the future.