Based on 3000 herbarium specimens a taxonomic study of Astragalus subgenus Tagacantha has been done. In this research 10 new taxa including: A. glaucopsiformis, A. jamzadae, A. khatamsazae, A. membranostipulus, A. montosus, A. neo-mozaffarianii, A. passargadensis, A. peymanii, A. polystachys, A. sumarensis are described as new from Iran. Moreover due to the intensive collection from all Iranian territory, paniculary in western border of the country 6 new records including: A. karabaghensis Bunge, A. vedicus Takht., A. yueksekovae Matthews, A. gummifer Labill., A. turkmenorum (Boriss.) Boriss. and A. zoharyi Eig with the short notes are presented from Iran. Uncertain position of the few taxa is discussed.