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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Mercury is a dangerous substance for human health and mercury thermometers are major pollutant for environment. Using less dangerous and less expensive devices like digital thermometer can be an alternative for mercury thermometers. The aim of this study was to compare the body temperature measurement by mercury and digital thermometer.Material and Method: In this descriptive- analytical study, 542 patients (331 Female and 211 Males) were selected through convenience sampling. Data was gathered by demographic information form. Body temperature was measured simultaneously by digital and mercury thermometer while each thermometer was placed axillary, and after 5 minutes they were read by a nurse.Results: The mean temperature measured by mercury and digital thermometer was 36.48±0.84 and 36.51±0.87, respectively. There was no statistical significant difference between measurement by mercury and digital thermometer. For detecting fever, digital thermometer had 85.4% and 95.7% sensitivity and specificity respectively. Positive and negative predictive value for digital thermomentr were 81.1% and 96.8%, respectively.Conclusion: Regarding low sensitivity of digital thermometer, it can be concluded that mercury thermometer is still suitable device to detect fever.

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Background and Aim: Young people are the major group at risk of acquiring AIDS worldwide. It seems that proper education and having knowledge about prevention methods is the most effective way for reducing the risk of HIV infection among this group. The aim of this survey was to elucidate the degree of knowledge, attitude, and practice of Iran University of Medical Sciences students about AIDS in 2006-2007.Material and Method: The study population consisted of 4237 students, from which 550 students were selected randomly based on each school/faculty student population. A self-administered questionnaire, consisted of questions regarding demographic data, knowledge, attitude, and practice about AIDS, was used to collect data. Data were analyzed by SPSS software.Results: Most students in different grades and schools/faculties had high levels of knowledge (above 60%) about AIDS and its transmission routes. Among them, medical students had the highest level of knowledge, compared with other students (P<0.05). Most students (75.8%) indicated that they had been previously informed about AIDS through mass media (radio, TV). Seventy five percent of the samples had positive attitude towards preventive methods and believed that by strictly observing preventive behaviors, it is not only possible to reduce the chances of disease transmission, but also, to interact with AIDS afflicted individuals, properly. Around 84.7% of the students believed that proper sterilization of instruments is adequate for virus eradication and 55.5% of them believed that chlorine bleaching of blood contaminated surfaces is the best disinfection method.Conclusion: The results of this survey indicate the importance of education through mass media and other means such as university books, in reducing the risk of AIDS transmission. Education of preventive methods, both in simple and sophisticated language can do the most in elevating the general knowledge of people about AIDS and its methods of transmission.

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Background and Aim: Fertility is highly valued in most cultures, and the desire to have a child is essential for human motivation. Studies have shown that infertility has negative effects on quality of life. However, recognition of factors influencing quality of life may be useful in planning to improve it. The aim of this study was to investigate quality of life and influential factors among infertile women.Material and Method: This study had correlational design in which 3 types of questionnaires was used to collect data about demographic factors, quality of life and irrational parenthood cognitions of the participants. One hundred forty seven infertile women without known physical or psychological disorders, selected by continuous sampling method, filled out questionnaires.Results: Regarding the findings, the quality of life of 48.3%, 36.1% and 15.6% of samples were good, fair and poor, respectively. Also, statistically meaningful relationship were found between quality of life and history of infertility treatment (P= 0.011), strength of desire to have child (P<0.0001), previous pregnancy outcome (P=0.04), and irrational parenthood cognitions (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Quality of life of infertile women could be affected by the irrational parenthood cognitions mostly. So, identifying this group would result in better management for allocation of appropriate counseling. The researchers suggest comparative study of quality of life between infertile and fertile women.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Cesarean has been defined as surgical delivery in which the infant, placenta and membranes draw out through incision made on the mother's abdomen and uterus. At present, 50-65 percent of deliveries in Iran are achieved by cesarean method. The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing termination of pregnancy with cesarean method. Material and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 420 mothers, referred to Shiraz governmental and private hospitals for delivery were selected. Data collection was performed by structured questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software.Results: The prevalence of cesarean was 89% and 63.28% in private and governmental hospitals, respectively, with the overall prevalence of 66.4%.Age, height, BMI, socioeconomic status, null parity, acceptance in private hospitals, cesarean history, induction of labor, macrosomia, shoulder dystocia and breach presentation was significantly related to cesarean section (P<0.05). In final model, cesarean history, age after 35 and education level were the most important factor for cesarean method of delivery. Conclusion: Although cesarean has been identified as a savior practice of mothers and neonates in emergency situations, its prevalence is increasing, because of physicians’ tendency for economical benefits, and also, of mothers’ fear from labor pain. So, mothers, especially nulliparous mothers should be persuaded for having vaginal delivery, in order to avoid cesarean complications in sequential deliveries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2150

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Background and Aim: Social changes, economic conditions, social class and living place situations have been understood as stressors for head nurses. Head nurses have an important role in quality of service delivery to clients. The purpose of this study was to examine stress among head nurses in selected hospitals of Tehran.Martial and Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study on 90 head nurses selected by census sampling. The participants filled out a questionnaire containing demographic characteristics and stressors variables. Data were analyzed by SPSS and descriptive and inferential statistical were reported. Results: The finding showed that 74.4% of head nurses had normal stress and 25.6% of them had severe stress. There was statistically significant relationship between stress and experiencing general management course (P= 0.03). Conclusion: Role conflict and the absence of organizational support were respectively found to have the most and the least influential effect on stress. Also, job stress in head nurses who had passed general management course was less than the others.

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Background and Aim: Although cesarean section has been considered as a way for reducing infant and mother mortality rate, it has been changed to a general dilemma, so that in Iran, cesarean rate is higher than World Health Organization standards. The aim of this study was to discover the process of decision making for selection of cesarean delivery by those who did not have indication for cesarean. Material and Method: Twenty six pregnant women, experiencing the third trimester, were selected based on purposeful and theoretical sampling. For access to participants, the researcher referred to one teaching health care centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences and two private offices of gynecology in Tehran, Iran. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews. All data were audio taped and transcribed. Data collection and analysis was performed simultaneously. Constant comparative method was used to analyze data. Results: The main categories were “fear due to not having knowledge”, “being painless, and physical and spiritual peace” and “unpleasant experience of others and their encouragement”, “being worry of complications”, “inappropriate communication of health care staff”, and “the feeling of loneliness and death”, “infant’s health”. Constant analysis of data revealed that women get through for creation balance in order to receipt the best result, process of to consider, making a lawful and to choice. Conclusion: Attentive to main theme that it is fear of labor and delivery is a physiology phenomenon. It is necessary to encourage methods for relieving pain and fear and for promoting self-esteem in order to make good decision by pregnant women. It is also important to encourage women for vaginal delivery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2223

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Background and Aim: Hospitals are among the most interactive organizations in which the rate of knowledge transfer and learning is considerably high. Comparison of the level of organizational learning between public and private hospitals can be useful for managers to select organizational learning strategies aiming at improving service delivery and organizational behavior.Material and Method: This cross-sectional survey was conducted by participating 200 nurses, selected randomly from 7 public and 3 private hospitals at initial stage. They fulfilled the questionnaire, and then the researchers calculated sample size based on the collected data. Finally, 260 other samples were selected from 7 public and 5 private hospitals. Factor analysis and mean comparison were used to analyze data.Results: The findings showed that in private hospitals, the levels of 4 organizational learning capabilities (managerial commitment, system perspective, openness and experimentation, and knowledge transfer and integration) were significantly higher than pubic hospital. But, all organizational learning capabilities in both public and private hospitals were below the expected average. “Knowledge transfer and integration” and “managerial commitment” had the highest and the lowest average, respectively in both public and private hospitals and in overall.Conclusion: With due attention to the fact that “knowledge transfer and integration” had the highest average in both public and private hospitals, we suggest that organizational knowledge and other capabilities of the nurses and other personnel could be increased by using this capability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Nowadays, CABG is classified among the most common and risky surgeries. Since heart is a vital organ, patients confronting this kind of surgery, experience more anxiety than the patients having other surgeries. The purpose of this study was ti determine the effects of education using VCD and booklet on pre-operative anxiety of CABG candidates in two different times, in Tehran Heart Center-year 2006.Material and Method: In this clinical trial study, one hundred and twenty 45-65 years old CABG candidates were recruited consecutively and randomly assigned in 4groups, each including 30 patients. All patients completed demographic data sheet and Spiel Berger questionnaire in their admission day and the day of surgery. Every other one patient assigned in two groups of education either by VCD or booklet one day before surgery. After completing patient in two group and one week pause, this procedure was repeated for two other groups of education 6 days before surgery.Results: sThe findings showed that state and trait anxiety of 4 studied groups reduced after education, when compared with pre-education time. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated a statistically significant difference between means of state anxiety before and after education in 4 group (P=0.004). Scheffe test indicated that education using VCD, 6 days before surgery has had the most effect and meanwhile, education using booklet, 6 day before surgery has had the least effect on reducing the state anxiety of participants.Conclusion: Regarding the results of this study, education using VCD, 6 days before CABG and booklet, one day before CABG has the most effect on reducing pre-operative anxiety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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