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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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AKHBARI REZA | Jalaee Esfandabadi Seyed Abdolmajid | NEJATI MEHDI | JAVADINIA MINA

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The absorption of FDI is possible only in the light of the widespread international relations and the stability of the domestic political and economic situation. In this regard, it is expected that the conclusion of international agreements will pave the way for FDI and, subsequently, technological overflows eventually lead to economic growth. Theories related to environmental economics show that the above process can be accompanied by a reduction in the quality of the environment. In this study, the environmental and economic impacts of FDI and the improvement of TFP in the six scenarios were evaluated in the framework of the general equilibrium model. The results show that the entry of FDI in a situation where there is little technological overflow and poor productivity, the economic growth is accompanied by an increase in carbon emissions. Therefore, technology overflows in the FDI process have a substantial effect on improving environmental quality.

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the main goal of economic growth and development plans in each country is to increase the standard of life and the welfare of the community, but at the same time, economic activities through the spread of pollution have a negative effect on the welfare. Therefore, the exertion of environmental taxes, through control of pollution and reduction of the tax burden on production factors, along with a change in the structure of government expenditures, affects economic growth and welfare Accordingly. In this paper, by generalizing the Lucas model, the effects of environmental tax reform and the structure of government expenditures on economic growth and welfare, in the framework of general equilibrium model are examined. The results of theoretical and empirical analysis indicate that tax reform policies, along with a change in the structure of government expenditures in favor of education and the prevention of pollution, affect the allocation of resources and welfare in the long term, but the extent of its effects on economic growth and welfare varies depending on the parameters of the model.

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In this study, we examine entry into complementary good and service markets in a foreign country with network effects. We used a three-stage game theory model which in the first step, the entrant chooses the entry strategy, in the second stage, firms determine the prices by forming a profit function and in the third period, consumers decide which goods to consume. The results show that entry occurs and entrant attract a majority of consumers, if the fixed costs of direct entry are lower than the export fixed costs, the complementary degree is higher than the export variable costs and the network effects are large enough. The entrant can also choose the direct entry strategy by implementing the assumptions which expressed in propositions and captures the foreign market by considering the network effects and large complementary degree.

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Regional inequality and imbalance in spatial structure of the regions are common phenomena that many countries have been facing with them, especially developing countries. Some effects of regional inequality can be mentioned as development of some regions, formation and intensification of huge inequalities in income and social welfare between different regions and socioeconomic complications. The present study analyzes the relationship between regional inequality and economic development among the provinces of Iran and seeks to answer this questions: is there an inverse U relationship between regional inequality and development between regions? In order to answer the questions of this research, regional inequality was calculated using Williamson's index. A spatial dynamic panel data econometric model was used to investigate the relationship between regional inequality and economic development between the five regions of the country in the years 2001-2015. The results show that the relationship between regional inequality and development is U shape inverse, which represents an increase in inequality in the early stages of development of the regions, and then inequality has decreased as development trend improved gradually.

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Economic complexity is one of the main factors of economic growth and development. Hence, studying the factors affecting economic complexity is one of the most important studies in the field of economics. The economic complexity indicator is to measure the characteristics of products produced by economic systems in the countries. It is aimed at explaining the accumulated knowledge of the population of a country (the networks formed by people), resulting in visible industrial composition of countries. The fundamental goal of the present study is to examine the effect of Technology Foreign Spillover and entrepreneurship on economic complexity. To this end, a sample of The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries during 2008-2016 has been employed using the Two-Step Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The results of estimation of the model suggest that the Technology Foreign Spillover has a positive and insignificant effect and entrepreneurship has a positive and significant effect on the economic complexity. According to the research results, the economic freedom and global competitiveness index positively and significantly affect the economic complexity of the selected member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

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Nowadays, many countries of the world have found a strong desire to attract foreign capital due to the lack of internal resources for investment. Empirical evidence suggests that various factors affect the attraction of foreign direct investment. Inflation as an economic factor can have a direct impact on attracting foreign direct investment. Due to the importance of this issue, the present study seeks to investigate the short-term and long-term asymmetric effects of increasing and decreasing inflation rate on foreign direct investment in Iran for the annual data for the period (1970-2016) using the Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Model. The findings of this research show that in the short and long run the increasing and decreasing impacts of inflation rate have a negative and positive effect on attracting foreign direct investment, respectively. Moreover, the effects of declining inflation shocks on the increase in the attraction of foreign direct investment are more than the effects of its raising inflation shocks on reducing the attraction of foreign direct investment. The effect of other variables used in the model is that in the long run, the variables of government expenditures and tariffs have a negative effect and GDP, exchange rate (dollar exchange rate), labor-to-population ratio, and openness of the economy have a positive effect on attracting foreign direct investment.

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The present study uses a system of simultaneous equations to analyze the effect of international tourists entering Iran on the country's economy & effect of country's economy on the international tourists entering Iran. The estimation was done using the 3SLS method. the results of this estimate showed that every 1 percent increase in global gross domestic product will decrease the number of tourists entering Iran by 2. 87 percent. the effect of tourism on economic growth can also be confirmed. accordingly, economic growth will increase by 1% with a 0. 15% increase in the number of international tourists. Also, with a 1% increase in the number of international tourists, employment will increase by 0. 05%.

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Based on empirical studies and labor economics theories, the unemployment duration, acquiring occupational skills, and receiving unemployment insurance are among explanatory features of labor wages. With an increase in unemployment duration, selecting a job with low wage is more likely to be probable. On the other hand, by increasing human capital and improving occupational skills by participating in training courses, it is possible for the trained jobseeker to find a job with proper wage. But unemployment insurance has a double impact. On the one hand, unemployment insurance provides an opportunity for unemployed to search longer for a job with appropriate wage. On the other hand, the jobseeker receiving unemployment insurance becomes more selective and presumably decreases the job search intensity. This study examined the causal effects of these variables on the wages of jobseekers at work in the years of 1393-94 using the linear regression method. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between wages and learning occupational skills. The relation between unemployment duration and wages is negative and consistent with theory, receiving unemployment insurance does not have a significant effect on wages. The results of the model estimation using instrumental variables in two-stage least squares method showed that the coefficients resulted from this method are greater than those of ordinary least squares method and their effects on wages are significant.

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Uncertainty in regard to economic policy causes the economic actors not to be able to sketch a clear vision of their future. Therefore increasing economic policy uncertainty causes reduction of investment in productive sectors of the economy, the economic recession and increases unemployment rate. Economic recession together with pessimistic views on the pace of economic recovery limits expected successful entrepreneurship. In this study, the impact of the economic policy uncertainty on the unemployment and entrepreneurship in Iranian economy is evaluated during the period of 1345-1395 by using a Simultaneous Equations system and GMM method. The results of this study show that the increase of economic policy uncertainty (in terms of financial, monetary and income policies) increases unemployment rate, while the increase of economic policy uncertainty (in terms of financial, exchange and income policies) reduces rate of entrepreneurship. Accordingly, we can suggest that the government should reduce unemployment and increase entrepreneurship through greater policy transparency and stability, and also reducing economic policies uncertainty.

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In this study, the impact of infrastructure on human development has been investigated in Iran in the 1990-2016 time interval, Autoregressive distributed lag is used as methodology. The results indicate, that social infrastructure, energy and banking in both short-run and long-run have positive and significant effects on human development. The infrastructure of water and transportation have a significant positive effect in the short run, but, within one interruptions, they reduce human development index and the impact water infrastructure reduction on human development is not significant. Despite the positive and significant impact of the of water on human development, the downward and significant trend of the effect of transportation on human development in the long run has been recognized. In the long run, the significant negative impact of communication infrastructure on human development is slightly more than that in the shortterm. Therefore, the quality improvement along with the quantification of positive in infrastructure and revision of infrastructure policies with negative impacts are recommended.

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