The geopolitics of the strait of Hormoz is one of the effective and constant factors in Iran-Oman relations. Iran and Oman are located respectively in the northern and southern parts of the strait of Hormoz.Despite all regional and global developments, this makes the two countries to have good relations with each other. Iran and Oman have vital interests in the strait of Hormozl. The two countries have several strategic islands in this strait. There are military bases constructed in some of these islands by Iran, Oman and the United States. The greatest Iranian port, Bandarabbas, is located at the entrance of Hormoz.Bandarabbas is a geostrategic entrance pathway to Iranian plateau. The strategic peninsula of Mosandem is also protruded to the North in the entrance of the strait. The strait of Hormoz is the only rout for the export of Iranian oil and the only communication means of Oman with the Persian Gulf countries. There are several oil and gas fields held in common by Iran and Oman. Moreover, the strait of Hormoz is the most important strategic strait compared to other straits around the world due to its function as a rout for the export of the Persian Gulf oil to the world.On this basis, Iran and Oman believe in a close correlation between the security of the strait of Hormoz and their own security. This issue intensifies the motives of both countries in having close and friendly relations. Iran and Oman both recognize this fact that no matter what changes, the geographic factor will never change. Geographic proximity of Iran and Oman in the strait of Hormoz, geographic isolation of Oman from the Arab world, and geopolitical importance and the geo-strategy of the strait of Hormoz, has made Iran and Oman to have good relationships with each other. On this basis and despite this matter that Oman has always had a close relationship with the US and has recently developed its relationship with Israel, this issue had no impact on the friendly relationship between Iran and that country. This article studies the historic, economic, strategic and security role of the strait of Hormoz in the Iran-Oman relationship. Historically, the strait of Hormoz was part of Iranian territory. Regarding vital and strategic interests of Iran and Oman in this strait, Iran undertook a significant security role in the strait of Hormoz and Indian Ocean, due to its military dominance (and military weakness of Oman). Iran is currently playing a significant role in the establishment of security in the strait of Hormoz. The geographic adjacency of the two countries in Hormoz caused Oman to take moderate positions in developments in the Persian Gulf including the conflict between Iran and the United Arab Emirates over the Iranian islands of Tonb & Abumousa as well as the Iran-Iraq war. Economically, the matter of using the common gas and oil fields in Hormoz, has contributed to the establishment of a closer relationship between the two countries.