Our time is an age of politics referring to everyday life (micro-politics) on the one hand and different and distinct politics on the other. Our time also represents an era of proliferated life-worlds or social world of the people. In other words, the life-worlds of today's humans are increasingly fragmented or proliferated. Such conditions have provided the ground for the birth of expressionist self and mosaic identities. The life-world of this world is a life-world without borders, replete with multiplied truths and affected by diverse lingual and discursive games. The world of this self is a world accompanied by perplexing, fluid, penetrable and unclear changes, full of ambiguity, likelihood, accidence, contradiction, complication, innovation and apostasy. Hence, today's human being has faced unique variables in sociopolitical realms; variables that have exposed the order of his archaic social and political relations to a deconstructive current, demanding a different outlook to politics, theory and methodology. This paper seeks to portray these deconstructive currents and their impact on political sphere.