Introduction: Although Turkey is one of the first countries recognized Armenia’s independence in 1991, but in this two decades, weakness is quitly sensible in mutual relations or in more correctly words is not any directly relations between the two countries. in fact, Due to the effects of this hostile relations that have been strongly affected national policy of the two countries particularly Armenia, Eventually Turkey and Armenia after many years of conflict and controversy, According to own special strategic aims decided to start a new round of collective cooperation in South Caucasus with normalization of mutual relations. Although So far these efforts have been ineffective and now the normalization process is suspended, but is no doubt that this process and normalization of mutual relations will be with its special geopolitical effects in region that study of them can to demonstrate a outlook of regional and international relations in South Caucasus. Thus, in this paper will be analyzed the geopolitical effects of normalization of Turkey and Armenia relations.Methodology: The actual method applied in this paper is analytical-descriptive as well as statistical. For data collection and indexing, library and internet have been used. Moreover, in analysis of Turkey’s commercial relations with in South Caucasus countries, because of lack of access to new resources, the statistical analysis of paper is based on data from 2003 to 2008 that these statistics are taken from the UN website.Results and Discussion: In this paper, meantime historical study and analysis of the relations between Turkey-Armenia, normalization process in mutual relations as well as study the important factors influencing the relations between the two countries, the political-economic effects of normalization in Turkish-Armenian relations to be analyzed in terms of geopolitics. This Studies and analysis is showing that despite the very important obstacles of normalization process in Turkey and Armenia relations, According to geopolitical realities of the region, mutual relations can create different opportunities or challenges in this very complicated geopolitics.Conclusion: According to the results of this research, if the national interests of other countries in the region be considered in the normalization process of relations, improving relations with Armenia will be useful for Turkey. In other words, ignoring the interests of other countries in the path of normalization of relations will be with the loss of Turkey mutual interests in its relations with Azerbaijan and Georgia. View of influential powers in the region Also, potential consequences of improved Turkey-Armenia relations is accompanied by its own complexity. With Improving of Turkey-Armenia relations may be seen kind of influence balance among powers are in the region.