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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Each heavy snow event may be not caused by blocking phenomenon, but Occurrence of persistent and heavy snow (4 days or more) can be associated with the occurrence of blocking phenomenon. In order to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of the heavy snowfall and persistent blocking patterns Iran, Daily data of 500 hPa height, For the cold season (October to March); A period of 60 years in a horizontal grid with a spatial resolution 5.2 * 5.2, from NCEP-NCAR sites, was extracted to 40 degrees west and 100 degrees east longitude and 20 to 80 degrees north latitude. In order to extract the blocking event, data Based on quantitative index climatology, the name of the two-dimensional detector, in MAT LAB software environment, were programmed to detect the occurrence. Then all blocking events continued for 4 days and further extracted. Due to the volume of data, through principal component and clustering techniques, extracted the prevailing patterns blocking. The dominant patterns of precipitation were effective in blocking 4 models on which of these four models, only one model is effective on snow and severe persistent. Results showed that the effects on precipitation patterns, Only Omega blocking pattern, Right trough was recognized as an effective blocking pattern on snow, because the cold air from above to strengthen widths rain system. The results showed if other conditions such as the availability of synoptic Strong pressure level ground, Position of zero degrees C isotherm at 850 hPa and The thickness of the layer thickness of 500 to 1000 Maps Leading to heavy snowfall continued to be in the presence of blocking occurrence.

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Natural hazards as an important factor for the environmental planners. These hazards are exacerbated by the Human Performance, However, flooding is not exempt from this phenomenon. In this article the influence of various factors to determine the risk areas. However one of the factors leading flooding hazard, the development of rural areas in the surrounding rivers and The zoning maps, flood risk in the management, This hazard can be very effective And the authorities used in order to assist planning. In this study, methods use statistical data, analysis of spatial data and the use of Satellite images for preparation curve number in model scs With GIS the step use CN map and preparation layer, zoning potential Similar runoff are determined In Based on the results of the model About 48% of the floor without a runoff, and the runoff is low, 36% moderate and 16% runoff classes are too severe. The severity of flooding is concentrated in the southern half of the province. In this part of the study, the mapping of these factors in the GIS By analyzing in the buffering and danger zones with varying intensities determined Finally, the most vulnerable villages in the region in terms of the severity of these risks are prioritized. Such studies can provide useful guidelines for the identification and assessment of natural hazards and priorities Settlements also provide risk managers and planners will be responsible in this regard.

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Globalization phenomenon and changing in many aspects of life, especially in urban architecture, family aspect society’s culture is a matter of whether the analytical mind has its own busy. Accordingly, the greatest concern of analysts focused on family and cultural damage that globalization causes in developing countries, particularly Iran.Today, urbanization in developing countries is happening faster than developed countries during the boom of the industrial revolution. It’s about thousands of years, that cities are center of culture, thought social interaction between humans and urban development. However, since the emergence of humans on earth, the majority of the people have lived in the, villages, towns, and mass tissue, but with the coming of the twenty-first century and especially in the last two decades of the twentieth century is the time of occurring two major global events on human life. One of these two events is urbanization and the emergence of global cities which was formed in developing countries. Transformation of cities in developed countries and the developing countries urban system should be considered in relation to the complex relationship between the global cities in developed countries, because all of global cities are not located in developed countries, however it is likely that the term consists more cities in North America and Europe, but the growing importance of Asian cities and some urban centers in Latin America has increased a new dimension to the theory of developing cities in the era of globalization. This research wants to deal with the impact of globalization in various fields of political, social, demographic, physical form of architecture and urban culture in developing countries and Iran will be reviewed and evaluated. The method used in this comparative study is to examine the impact of the globalization process and its challenges in developing countries, trends, events, and positive and negative effects of this phenomenon on a large third world cities, especially cities on the comparative study of using a library is discussed. The results show that the intensification of the globalization process, the cities of developing countries in terms of consumption patterns, popular culture and the built environment are similar to their Western counterparts.

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Sour is one of the Bonab province villages in east Azarbiajan by cultural value among rocky valuable villages belong to notional heritage that it has been registered by cultural heritage organization, hand-made crafts and tourism organization. Establishment of optimal, dynamic village spaces from socio- cultural, economical, environmental and structural view points is the strategically good of village regions quality promotion, so by reviewing and investigation of climate based architecture, the village residential complexes are constructed based on structural fabric and vernacular patterns, today employing new generation of convenient climate indices are identified as physiologic-temperature indices. Health is considered in urban climate studies and other aspects like tourism. In this research, sour convenient climate conditions are evaluated by physiological equivalent temperature (PET). Predicted Mean vote (PMV) and standard effective temperature (SET) based on human body energy balance that the effect of climate, thermo physiology and activity are expressed. In analysis of convenient climate of sour PET, PMV, and SET have been used. The climatic data were collected from the near synoptic station and the climate was studied daily and monthly. Among RAYMAN model criteria PET was selected as the best pattern the results show that climatic convenient period is 44days by maximum in khordad and mehr. By lock at thermal stress, this village is in severe and medium cold stress in 179 days by considering radiation angle and direction and wind direction. The propositions have been proposed proportionate with the village climate. According to analyses, the best direction for construction of the houses is between 45. South east and 45. South west and the best direction is 15-30. South east with the highest winter radiation and lowest effete of winter and fall wind that is compatible with the region climate.

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Urban management of Tehran City have been faced to different challenges, special in the economic structure, while this mega city has both specific location (administrative – political centrality )to attract the capital in the country and it’s historical background indicate that’ s capability to attract the inner and outer tourists ,so The Great Bazar of Tehran, because of his location in urban old texture and it’s various functions (commercial, religious, recreational and so on) is considerable. This article attempts to know comprehensively of various capabilities of The Great Bazar of Tehran with an descriptive- exploratory approach in urban tourism development. In this article ,according to the research type (correlation), different limitations in data collection , samples number is 150, that is based on the accidental sampling .According to the hypothesis and research problem and to measure the correlation between the variables (the infrastructures of The Great Bazar and urban tourism development), indicators include (communicative, informal, servicing ,cultural - religious, historical, commercial and recreational) have been studied. Based on the Conclusions of the research ,about (Studying and comparison of changes trends of The Great Bazar of Tehran) show that considerable functional weakness is on the management and planning of tourism development planning (The Great Bazar of Tehran);Thus The Great Bazar of Tehran, according to it’s spatial potentials , with a strategic planning , participatory management and quantitative and qualitative provision of the communicative, servicing and informal infrastructures ,by adapting to universal standards and criteria, can has so important role to attract inner and outer tourists and positive functional changes in Tehran city and the other levels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Siah khor basin locating on the outskirts of Western Islam Abad enjoys a wide variety of landslides which have posed a threat to pasturelands and implementing watershed management plans in the area. Studying the landslide condition in the region, its zonation as well as identifying the areas which are more sensitive to landslides and also specifying the mount of relocation and the its relevant mechanisms will enable us to control and predict preventive action in response to the possible dangers in the future. landslides and studying the factors and elements causing them can result in rapid and better control of them. In this research we have tried using AHP application model based on the optimal expertise in the area of Seahkhor Basin landslide zonation map extracted. For this purpose, a Delphi consensus techniques, GIS and multi-criteria decision making is used. Analysis results show that factor analysis, hierarchical in Seahkhor Basin, geology, land use, and precipitation, the most important parameters influencing landslides in the area are the Seahkhor Basin. Seahkhor Basin landslide zonation map of the area shows a total of more than 70% of critical and semi-critical status and potential of the landslide. The landslide distribution in North, North East, Central and South West areas of special geological and topographical conditions as well as changes in land use is indiscriminate. The management of mass movements in these areas should be considered further.

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Indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater aquifers in the arid and semi- arid regions plains 0f Iran has been causing a sharp drop in groundwater levels. artificial recharge groundwater by flood spreading Method is a procedure that applicable for increasing the volume of the tank and prevent the severe drop in groundwater levels. In this Study Identificated suitable areas of flood Spreading for artificial recharge groundwater by using integrated Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) in Abied- Sarbishe 0f Gotvand region. For this seven effective indices - slope, infiltration, electrical conductivity, alluvial thickness transmisivity, drainage density and land use was prepared in GIS environment and weighted by Analytical Hierarchy process (AHP). In next step with using GIS analytical function and weight of each layer in AHP Method integrated effective indices maps and prepared finally map in four classes from suitable to unsuitable. The results of this study showed That areas with high suitability for artificial recharge projects Often in alluvial fan geomorphological units and often located in less than 3 percent slopes. Ground controls showed that high compliance between site selection and projects implemented in the study area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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