Globalization phenomenon and changing in many aspects of life, especially in urban architecture, family aspect society’s culture is a matter of whether the analytical mind has its own busy. Accordingly, the greatest concern of analysts focused on family and cultural damage that globalization causes in developing countries, particularly Iran.Today, urbanization in developing countries is happening faster than developed countries during the boom of the industrial revolution. It’s about thousands of years, that cities are center of culture, thought social interaction between humans and urban development. However, since the emergence of humans on earth, the majority of the people have lived in the, villages, towns, and mass tissue, but with the coming of the twenty-first century and especially in the last two decades of the twentieth century is the time of occurring two major global events on human life. One of these two events is urbanization and the emergence of global cities which was formed in developing countries. Transformation of cities in developed countries and the developing countries urban system should be considered in relation to the complex relationship between the global cities in developed countries, because all of global cities are not located in developed countries, however it is likely that the term consists more cities in North America and Europe, but the growing importance of Asian cities and some urban centers in Latin America has increased a new dimension to the theory of developing cities in the era of globalization. This research wants to deal with the impact of globalization in various fields of political, social, demographic, physical form of architecture and urban culture in developing countries and Iran will be reviewed and evaluated. The method used in this comparative study is to examine the impact of the globalization process and its challenges in developing countries, trends, events, and positive and negative effects of this phenomenon on a large third world cities, especially cities on the comparative study of using a library is discussed. The results show that the intensification of the globalization process, the cities of developing countries in terms of consumption patterns, popular culture and the built environment are similar to their Western counterparts.