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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Constrains and low water sources, most societies demand for water consumption need to increase the exploitation of water resources in 2025 to rate 110% of indicators based on national and international water management in iran, caused of optimation use of rain water.Storage to be considred. In this study, the first for supply water of javanroud weather station, in experimental case of 6000 litter tank rainwater stroge, averagly from rainwater on popularization level about lo time, full and depleted annually, with successfully case of study, decided that in grater scale to purpose of pupularization water supply in industry and agriculture. And overview normal standard use of 150 m3 for one family animaly, build a reservoir 8*7*3 m2 with a capacity of 150 m3 cubic meters of pond surface is 250 m2 action. In this area over the water years with normal rainfull 600 mm every 100 square meters, 60 cubic meters of rainwater storage was used successfully. Reduced rainfull in recent years, before the rain evaporated and runoff out of reach water harvesting methods can help, especially with rain water stroge reservoirs, shoud be used and esploited.With this study with out need to fountiain. Well and river water, surrender from proximity and distance to other water resources, every demaned water needed from an area, in proximity of that area ease supplied.

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The Europe Union has passed much Height in the way of convergence of the impasse that has already caught, which can be the world’s most successful regional integration project.There sults of this convergence has been the formation of a unique foreign policy of other countries around the world that are logic Since its formation of the Europe Union, Islamic Republic of Iran should have been faced with a union politic with Europe union members which severely affects the relations between Iran and Europe. In this study, we sought to answer the question of the formation of the Union of the Islamic Republic's relations with the Europe Union and how these relationships affect the geopolitical factors.

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The Garmsar city located in a particular situation because of geographical, topographical conditions and weather systems affecting the region is allocated to the special climatic conditions, environmental. So that changes daily and seasonal temperature problems for tourism activities and the general population has created. Therefore necessary to examine the conditions and situations Bio-climate climatic comfort throughout the day and different months of the year and prepare a calendar of tourism will be felt.The data used in conjunction with synoptic weather conditions were studied and following results were obtained Bio-climate region. Bio-climate best in terms of the convenience factor Trijong to attend the open day in months Farvardin and very good and pleasant Mehr terms and conditions of the night, the months of June, July and August with air conditioning and a pleasant feel and comfort is the Bio-climate. Mahan status indicators based on daily temperature in six months of the year (from November to April) below the comfort level (cold), 2 months of the year (the months of May and October) In good comfort (comfortable) and 4 months of the year (from June to September) than comfort is located.

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The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate direction of buildings in Qir town in relation to the sun radiation. The geographical location of the examined town has led to the dominance of a dry and hot climate in most of the year. Therefore in making the direction of the buildings, protecting the buildings against sun radiation in hot days is in the first priority, and maximum use of sun radiation in cold days is in the next priority. In order to realize the mentioned goals, at first the amount of solar energy radiated onvertical surfaces of the buildings was calculated theoretically and practically by computational method of cosine law. Then using the calendar table of need to shade and sunshine, and effective temperature calculation chart, hot and cold times of year were determined, then using the tables obtained, the determination of the best appropriate direction of the buildings of the examined town was done. The most ideal direction determined for single-sided buildings was +150 to +165, and +165 and -15 fordouble-sided buildings, and 180 was selected as the acceptable direction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The water shed basin of Garou plain is located in Makran Zone. National conditions such as climate and geography have affected the quality and quantity of the regional water resources. Over exploration of water resources as well as recent draughts, have drastically decreased the amount of water in the region. For this reason for most of agriculture is around the banks of Garou village.The main objective of this study is to explore the basic factor, particularly geomorphologic and human features which are effective on decreasing the quality and quantity of water resources of Garou plains as well as determining the risk of draught and the impact on decreasing drought risk in the region.To achieve the objectives of the project, geomorphologic features of Garou plain water shed basin and impacts on the quality and quantity of geomorphologic water resources.Methodology of this study was based on an analytic and descriptive approach. The instruments used to conduct the study were topographic geological maps as well as statistical data acquired from hydrometric stations in the region. Moreover, direct observations, interview, and data analysis have been used.The result of the study showed that geomorphologic features of the water shed basin of plain, from applied viewpoint, have directly and indirectly affected water resources because of human activities particularly in agricultural stations. Considering managerial perspective, it is necessary to observe geomorphologic principle while exploring the water resources for short and long-term programs.

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The period which study in this investigation is related to 56 years old. Period 56 years old is about Bandar Abbas that consists of 1957 to 2012 and 17 years old is 2012. At the first, try to know the input: changes by using Man-Kendal method and then define the kind and time. The target of this study is investigation of changes of temperature of North coasts of Bandar Abbas-Qeshm iland and its possible changes of normal condition by using Man-Kendal noparameter test. The pbtained results are followed: The study of minmum temperature changes in BandarAbbas nonthly scale shows the intense decrease in this station which intensity of that is most -0.45 in Mars contrast to other months, but there is'nt such monotony in maximum temperature and changes combine of decrease process (TD) and negative mutation (AI). Investigation of Qeshm station to Bandar Abbas consist of more hetero generous. The study of min temperature in Qeshm station among the period shows that 5 month of year is without process and in other months, positive mutation was a kind of changes over coming, in max temperature approxmatly in most months, increase mutation is a kind of changes over coming.2- In annual scale, the changes of min and Qeshm station, the changes of min and max temperature has decrease process but in Qeshm station, the changes of min temperature is a kind of decrease mutation and max temperature is a kind of positive mutation.

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In drainage basin of the northern part of Iran, landslide hazard is increasing because of sensitive formation, incorrect land use, and more rain. One of main strategies for restricting the damage caused by the activity of landslides is assessment and zonation of different region in the term of susceptibility to landslide by prepare landslide zonation hazard map. There are different methods for zoning, Anbalagan method purposed to gain the results. In this method, the required map (slope, aspect, land use, litology, structural litology, ground water, landform and facet map) provided with GIS softwares, Arcmap, then weighted with Anbalagan method. The landslide zonation map is prepared. Finally, for the accuracy evaluation of the Anbalagan method, the landslide distribution map provided for the area. Then compared with landslide zonation map. The results have shown that most of landslides are occurred in HHzone which were predicted by this method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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