Natural parameters play an extremely crucial role in the inhabitation process and rural dissemination that’s to say some of these parameters posses even move impact upon them than other ones .the present survey endeavors to estimate and scrutinize the deployment of 2793 rural areas associated and correlated to natural parameters in Kermanshah province. Furthermore the survey, within its chapters has situated other factor or factors whose roles are considered even more effective compared to other ones. Rural zones broadening map, also, is to be accessed through three individual categories, appropriate, mode stly proper, and inappropriate. To approach and fullfill this purpose, 8 natural parameters such as major rivers, fault, climatic elements, like precipitation, evaporation, temprature, altitude and slope were adopted to be effectively major reasons in order for a location to be in habited. Over this procedure, parameter maps on the basis of numerical variant were provided through ARC GIS10 software. Afterwards, A.H.P, was employed to measure each index weight for the blend of layers and target map supplies, the survey has benefited overlay method. most of the villages, according to what was mentioned above, have been resided in appropriate type, and only 2.90 percent of rural areas are located in naturally inappropriate conditions .as the issues above are noticed, its not improper to claim there is a closely direct connection between natural parameters and location selection.