The number of Bactrian camels has been decreasing dramatically during last decades in Iran, whereas very little is known about its genetic diversity. All of these animals are found in northwest of Iran (Dasht-e-Moghan). In the present research, we used 7 microsatellite DNA markers (LCA33, LCA56, LCA63, LCA77, VOLP03, VOLP67, YWLL08) to characterise 110 camels. Blood samples were collected from existing camels in Dasht-e-Moghan and stored at -20oC for further analysis. DNA was extracted using modified salting out method. Out of 7 loci, polymorphism were foun at 6 loci in this population. Locus LCA77 was monomorphic. All loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberger equilibrium (0.001). Genetic diversity expressed as mean number of effective allele numbe (NE), observed (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE) and PIC were estimated 2.622±0.534, 0.714±0.184, 0.489±0.114 and 0.557±0.237, respectively. In this population, LCA33 and VOLP67 loci had the lowest (0.165) and the highest (0.771) heterozygosity and lowest (0.151) and highest (0.742) PIC value, respectively. These results suggest that however Iranian Bactrian camels has the property genetic diversity but for more clarification of genetic structure of this population, it is necessary to investigate additional microsatellite DNA markers.