Sehezar area is located in southern Tonokabon in Mazandaran province, north of Iran, near Tarom– Hashdtjin belt. Occurrence of granitoid masses in the region can be important in terms of mineralization potential. Geological units exposed in the study area mainly consists of Palaeozoic to Cenozoic rocks. In this research, microscopic and petrographic studies were performed on a number of samples from the region, as well as granite samples for intrusions classification. In reflected light microscopy pyrite, chalcopyrite and magnetite were identified in some samples. Igneous rocks have granular, hyaloporphyritic and vitrophyric textures. Porphyry textures indicates the coincident of intrusions with volcanics and clastics probably originating from a same magmatism. The major minerals in igneous rocks include quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and in some cases, hornblende, biotite, and pyroxene. The minor minerals are sphene, iron oxides, apatite and opaque minerals. Petrographic studies showed that the intrusive rocks are granite, granodiorite, syenite to quartz-syenite and quartz-monzonite. The magmatic rocks are alkaline to calc-alkaline, magnesian rich and fit in metaluminous to peraluminous field. The granites are peraluminous and I-type of active continental margin tectonic settin. Variography of stream sediments samples showed that the spherical model is the best fit for the data, and spatial correlation range for Au, Cu and Fe are approximately 350 m. Evaluation of geostatistics results by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE) and the mean absolute error (MAE) indicates the acceptable accuracy of variography model. According to the Meinert diagrams and spatial correlation of the elements, it is may be concluded that these intrusive masses are associated with iron-gold-copper mineralization.