This article, criticize student’s dissertations in representation studies filed. In this research, we reviewed all other majors that are related to our subject. In addition to cultural studies’ dissertations, we examined the dissertations in communication, sociology and anthropology as well.Our main question is that, how this research applies the method of representation and more importantly, how we can apply the method of representation on the student’s research. To what extent we can follow that trace of power (biases) in “critical research” itself. The results demonstrate the representation studies in Iran, practice through the two ways as part of ideological state apparatuses. First, with reinforcing cultural clichés and second, overlooking some subjects that have not priority for the powers. In the first case, the subordinate groups such as women, youths, race minorities that beforehand have become “cultural cliche” by media for a second time are becoming “research cliché” by universities and research centers. Another form that displays how Iranian cultural studies tied up with the power interests is to conceal a series of research topics. Some issues related to ethnic minorities or immigrants underemphasized and other matters totally disregard such as religious or sexual minorities. In conclusion, while cultural studies that was supposed to be the advocate of subordinate groups, in practice more marginalized muted people; and hence as a form of knowledge exercises its power.