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The research evaluates new media impacts on Iranian mainstream media. It seems that new media in Iran these days deeply effect on mainstream media and even in some cases makes them to lose their functions. This research tries to evaluate new media impacts on Iranian mainstream media’ s internal mechanisms and also relations between them with politic and economic activists. New media impacts on mainstream media and their relations with activists were evaluated by qualitative grounded theory methodology. Eventually researcher concluded that new media by themselves did not reduce the mainstream media consumption but the tough controls and lack of professionalism in mainstream media were the critical cause of consumption, trustfulness and influence decline so new media rise only has amplified these consequences. In fact, politic and economic activists and the people have immigrated to new media because of weak mainstream media but they could not entirely alternate with mainstream media.

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Hadj Zargarbshi Seyyed Rouhollah | Abdekhodaee Mojtaba

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Marja’ iat is considered the main social institution which manages the religion in the society and leads the Shia in different political and social subjects. This institution actions based on thought of the representation of Imam and usage of rationality and specific power resources at various terrestrial levels and beyond that. This article tries to identify patterns and indicators of social behavior of this institution and to compare objective evidence of its actions with characteristics of international actors as mentioned in theories of International Relations. To do so, qualitative historical research methods were used and periods of Marja’ iat and its classification – according to indicators of international relations science including power shift and status of actors – were studied and lastly historical turning points recognized and pattern of role-making explained. Finally, objective evidences of function of this institution in the transnational area, compared with characteristics of international actors. The author's initial hypothesis is adaptation of historical examples with characteristics of actors in international relations which will be tested during this study. The author also believes that time and spatial conditions and the extent to which benefits and goals are reached, considered the underlying elements of influence which form the behavior pattern of this social institution.

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The issue of global warming is one of the most important environmental issues of the century because its effects and consequences will change the lives of all nations. The media, as one of the most influential elements of society, play a crucial role in informing public opinion about this global challenge. The research “ A Content Analysis of the Coverage of Climate Change in Farsi Language Websites” explores the coverage of the news related to the global warming and climate change among the online Farsi language media throughout the summer months of 2017. The research method used for this report has been ‘ content analysis’ . First, the original data (the content published in news agencies and public news portals) were identified by tracking keywords, then, statistical analyses have been applied based on the predetermined indicators and in line with the research’ s objective. The results were then analyzed using statistical tables. One of the most important results gathered has been the two-folds increase in the number of content produced in the summer of 2017 compared to the summer of 2016. Also, the number of unique news (without repetition) has been 304, meaning, that in the summer of 2017, only 304 different content was produced for publication on the online media. In order, ISNA, Iranian Young Journalist’ s Club, Mehr News, Khabar Online and Tasnim were the media with the most published content about climate change during 2017’ s summer months.

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Shakouri Rad Sedigheh

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The issue of women and their relation to men have been important subjects discussed by many thinkers in this century, from different points of view, depending on their specialities. In this qualitative research, the view of Ali Shariati on women, their familial and social rights in relation to men have been studied and evaluated. He believed in the paramount importance of women in all social changes and developments. Distinguishing three types of women; traditional, so-called modernized and like-Fatima who is independent, and socially active and responsible, Shariati encouraged women to deny western values and way of life and follow Fatima’ s steps in life and implement great values of Islam. Although there are some inconsistencies and masculism tendencies in his views, it can be discerned that he believed in women’ s ontological equality to men, their independence, and freedom of choice and will. However, based on his belief in natural law and also in preference of family over the individual, he supported some differences in their roles and rights in the family, such as men's guardianship, their right to polygamy and temporary marriage. T the same time, highlighting women’ s talent and capabilities and, considering social relations and institutes being constructed rather than natural, he encouraged women to social presence and participation. He did not delve in different aspects of such contribution and did not elaborate on their social and political rights and their boundaries in details, such as their rights to be elected or appointed in different positions.

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this article is a suggestion on multi-sited ethnography for multi-cultural ethnicity in Iran. I study on this method by the way that Marcus suggested but I stressed on Marxism to draw an utopia which will be make by friendship rather than capitalistic hegemony in social relations. I mixed Marxian Critic on capital(s) and foucauldian critic on power to have a critic of culture-centrist hegemony. My suggestion has been made in my field work on "friendship" (among men) from 2014 to 2015 in multi-sites like dormitory, barracks, gymnasium, café , student housing, public baths, inns, etc. I want to make a multi-sited ethnography that includes non-places (Marc Augé ) with heterotopic (Foucault) situation (Debord). I named this method: "lifegraphy". I do my lifegraphy in many trips among Tehran, Kurdish region and Azerbaijan. My lifegraphy is about male-male friendships, some things like Foucault's "Lives of Infamous" and Delouz's "a life". I mix them together

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بعد از انقلاب ارتباطات و اطلاعات و ظهور رسانه های نوین، انحصار رسانه های جریان اصلی از دست رفت و مخاطبان و بهره گیران از رسانه ها با ابزارهای متنوع تری برای برقراری ارتباط با جامعه روبه رو شدند. به نظر می رسد که رسانه های نوین رسانه های جریان اصلی را به حاشیه رانده اند یا دست کم قدرت آنها را کاهش داده اند. پژوهش حاضر، قصد دارد بررسی کند که تاثیر رسانه های نوین بر مصرف رسانه های جریان اصلی ایران چگونه بوده است. به همین منظور، محقق با استفاده از روش گراندد تئوری دست به مصاحبه عمیق با نخبگان زده است. نتیجه تحقیق نشان می دهد که رسانه های جریان اصلی نه به صرف دلیل ظهور رسانه های نوین تضعیف شده اند بلکه این رسانه ها در مسیر ضعف قرار داشته اند و رسانه های نوین این ضعف را تشدید کرده اند. مهم ترین نکته ای که تعداد چشمگیری از مصاحبه شوندگان به آن ها اشاره کردند، این بود که رسانه های نوین به خودی خود باعث نشدند که این اتفاق رخ بدهد و تنها نقش تشدیدکننده را بازی کرده اند. بااین حال، اغلب مصاحبه شوندگان معتقد بودند که به دلیل کاستی های رسانه های نوین، روزنامه نگاری حرفه ای از بین نخواهد رفت بلکه رسانه های ابزاری وابسته به بازیگران خارج از رسانه ها حیات خود را حفظ خواهند کرد و رسانه های مستقل به شکلی ضعیف تر از گذشته باقی خواهند ماند. اما درنهایت، کارکردهای روزنامه نگاری به عنوان یک خدمت عمومی با اختلال مواجه خواهد شد.

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مرجعیت، اصلی ترین نهاد اجتماعی متولی امر دین و عهده دار نقش رهبری شیعیان در موضوعات مختلف سیاسی و اجتماعی است. این نهاد، بر اساس اندیشه ی نیابت فقیهان جامع الشرایط از امام معصوم شکل گرفته، از مبانی خاص عقلانیت و تصمیم گیری و منابع خاص قدرت برخوردار است و در سطوح مختلف سرزمینی و فرا سرزمینی، ایفای نقش می کند. اینک این سؤال مطرح است که چگونه می توان کنشگری بین المللی نهاد مرجعیت را با استفاده از مؤلفه های بازیگران روابط بین الملل تبیین کرد. بر این اساس، با هدف شناسایی الگوها و شاخص های رفتار فرا سرزمینی این نهاد سه معیار اساسیِ بهره گیری از منابع قدرت، تأثیرگذاری بر فرایندها و رویه ها و نظام انگاره ای به عنوان معیارهای اصلی کنشگری در نظریه های روابط بین الملل استخراج گردیده و بر اساس آن، میزان برخورداری نهاد مرجعیت از شاخصه های مذکور به آزمون گذارده می شود. بدین منظور، با استفاده از رویکرد وابستگی به مسیر، از روش های پژوهش تاریخی کیفی، ضمن مطالعه ی ادوار مرجعیت و تقسیم بندی آن بر مبنای معیار دانش روابط بین الملل، مفاصل حیاتی یا بزنگاه های تاریخی را شناسایی و الگوی این نقش آفرینی را تبیین می کند. درنهایت شواهد عینی کنشگری این نهاد را در عرصه ی فراملی، با ویژگی های بازیگران بین المللی مقایسه می کند. فرضیه ی اولیه ی نویسنده، انطباق مصادیق تاریخی با مشخصات بازیگران در روابط بین الملل است که در طول این مطالعه، مورد آزمون قرار خواهد گرفت. همچنین نویسنده بر این باور است که شرایط زمان و مکان و میزان تحقق منافع و اهداف، عناصر زمینه ای تأثیرگذاری و شکل دهنده ی الگوی رفتاری این نهاد اجتماعی است.

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مسأله ی زن و نسبت او با مرد از موضوعات مهم مورد توجه در قرن حاضر بوده و اندیشمندان گوناگون هریک به فراخور حوزه ی کار خود به جهات مختلف آن پرداخته اند. در پژوهش کیفی حاضر، دیدگاه های انسان شناسی دکتر علی شریعتی در باره ی زن، حقوق خانوادگی و اجتماعی او و نسبت وی با مرد مورد مطالعه و تحلیل محتوایی قرار گرفته است. وی بر اهمیت نقش زنان در تحولات اجتماعی تاکید کرد و با تمییز سه تیپ شخصیتی میان زنان (زن سنی، شبه مدرن و فاطمه وار) زنان را به پیروی از فاطمه و ارزشهای اسلامی دعوت کرد. با وجود پاره ای تعارضات و گرایشات مرد سالارانه در آرای او، می توان دریافت که وی به برابری انسانی زن و مرد، آزادی، اختیار و استقلال زن باور داشت اما با اعتقاد به نظریه ی حقوق طبیعی و اصالت خانواده، از اختلاف نقش زن و مرد و در نتیجه تعهدات و حقوق مختلف آنها در خانواده حمایت کرد، مانند سرپرستی مرد درخانواده، چند همسری و ازدواج موقت. وی نهادهای اجتماعی را متفاوت از نهاد خانواده و غیرطبیعی می دانست و با برجسته کردن استعدادها و توانایی های زنان بر حضور و مشارکت اجتماعی آنان پای فشرد اما درباره ی حقوق سیاسی-اجتماعی زنان و حدود آن ها، مانند حق انتخاب شدن یا انتصاب آنها برای تصدی پست های مختلف، بحث نکرد.

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In Entrepreneurial economics, relationships between entrepreneur and venture capitalist-as a developmental relationship-is very important and it’ s representation in media plays crucial role in constructing public culture. In this paper, we try to understand that How Entrepreneur and venture capitalists’ relationships and it’ s transformations during more than two decades have represented in TV series? To achieve this goal, all TV series which produced after Iran-Iraq war (1989-2012) considered and four TV series include “ Mazrae’ Aftabgardan, Pilehayeh Parvaz, Rahe’ bi Payan and Asre’ Paeezi” selected for final analysis. The main stories of these series were entrepreneurship and finally, Texts analyzed via Narrative analysis and Thematic analysis. Results show that the relationship between Entrepreneur and venture capitalist is confrontational relationship in which capitalist hinders against entrepreneurial ideas because of his short term, immediate benefits. The TV series don’ t offer any alternative solution for fundraising and developing the entrepreneurship. Findings indicate absence of venture capitalist and media focus on governmental funding in support if entrepreneurs. The negative attitude to private venture capitalists doesn’ t change during decades.

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The lived experiences of women in receptions can be a subject of sociological inquiry, since women usually practice their personal lives, concerns, problems, and intersubjective conflicts in these spaces. The qualitative scrutiny of these festive circles as the text in the total context of daily feminine life can lead us to an understanding of the significatory and identity-making layers of daily female acts, habits and rites. The arena of study in this research, are women participating in womanly receptions of Hamedan. After interviewing with 20 individuals of the women of arena of study, the theoretical fullfilment was obtained, and then the data analysis, based on the results of interviews and observations, started. According to the results, individual and cultural factors were recognized as motivating categories for participating in womanly receptions. As one the main reasons in turning to these womanly receptions is a kind of feminine space or mood which is dominant on these receptions. The outcome of the attendence of women in these receptions is the formation of new kinds of femininity and mutation in traditional feminine models. What as the core factor has the ability to make relation amongst the motivations, reasons and outcomes of women's attending the receptions is the female life style which shapes their acts, descisions and thoughts. In this life style which is also sustained through society and dominant discourses the selfsameness of women with home and the private domains is naturalized as if it is the only way of living and experiencing femininity.

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این مقاله در پی آن است که با طرح مساله ی چندجایی بودن برخی پدیده ها به ویژه در پیوستار چندقومیتی، و از نظر نگارنده، چندزیستی ایران نه ترکیبی و چندرگه بودن، نشان دهد که چه امکانات اتنوگرافیکی پیش روی پژوهش گر وجود دارد. پرسش پیش روی نویسنده از دل کار میدانی و مشکلاتی که در عمل رخ نموده اند برخاسته و سپس در پی آن بوده ام که چهارچوب روشی را بسازم که به لحاظ نظری و راهنمایی عملی، برای پژوهش هایی این چنین راه گشا باشد. بنیاد کار بر نوشته ی مارکوس و پیش نهاد او برای در پراکسیس ساختن گونه ای از اتنوگرافی چندجایی گذاشته شده است. از پی همین پراکسیس، تلاش کرده ام این چنین روشی را در جاهایی پی بگیرم که به تعبیر اوژه، نامکان هستند. نامکان هایی که در پیش نهاد من، ویژگی هتروتوپیای فوکویی دارند. از این رو، چنین شکلی از مردم نگاری، دست به آفرینش میدان و موضوع مورد مطالعه اش می زند؛ آفرینش گری، آن چنان که فوکو بدان می پردازد. نام این پیش نهاد را «زندگی نگاری» می گذارم.

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This research is objective and applied research and in terms of data type, compilation (quantitative and qualitative), and as a method of data collection, a descriptive survey type. The statistical population of this study is all the experts in the field of cultural management and information management, especially in the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, of which 30 were targeted as a statistical sample. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire. The main dimensions and elements of cultural information management based on library studies and theoretical foundations (theories, methods and models) and the study of the history of research in Iran and the world in 4 dimensions and 23 components (6 components of identification, 5 components of documentation, 6 components of organization And storage, and 6 diffusion and application components) were extracted and provided to the respondents for confirmation. The results of factor analysis in all cases confirmed the extracted components based on the theoretical foundations and the literature of the research. Due to the high load factor of 23 components of cultural information management from 0. 4, all of these components are used in the final model.

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This article examines the policy of the national media in the field of health. To this end, and in order to answer the questions of: “ What are the policies of health TV-programs (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting)? "; "Which aspect of health (physical, mental, social, and spiritual) are the programs focused on? "; and "Is the focus of health programs prevention and improvement of health or treatment of the disease? ", mixed-method research will be used in two parts, quantitative (content analysis) and qualitative (comparative analysis). Moreover, theories of persuasive communication, cultivation theory and agenda setting will be used and applied to a random selection of television programs with health-related titles, out of which 10 episodes have been reviewed, and in total 100 shows has been analysed. In the quantitative part, through the use of the quantitative analysis software program SPSS, several tables have been extracted and analysed, and then compared to indicators derived from the Health Professional Council of the National Media, and will examine the extent to which the Council’ s television health program guidelines are implemented. The results of this research show that the largest volume of health-related programs is concerned with physical health and most of these programs are primarily focused on both prevention and treatment. Additionally, in some instances one does not witness any consistency between the strategies of the council and the programs being produced.

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پژوهش «تحلیل محتوای اخبار مربوط به تغییرات آب و هوایی در وبسایت های فارسی زبان»، به بررسی پوشش اخبار مربوط به گرمایش زمین و تغییرات آب و هوایی در رسانه های آنلاین عمومی فارسی زبان در سه ماهه تابستان 1396 می پردازد. برجسته سازی، مسئولیت اجتماعی رسانه و ارتباطات زیست محیطی، چارچوب نظری اصلی این پژوهش را تشکیل می دهند. این تحقیق با استفاده از تحلیل محتوا و با ابزار پایش رسانه ای صورت گرفته است. از مهم ترین نتایج آن می توان به افزایش حدود دو برابری تعداد محتواهای تولید شده در تابستان 96 نسبت به تابستان 95 اشاره کرد. از میان 1042 رسانه بررسی شده، 245 رسانه به پوشش اخبار مربوط به تغییرات آب و هوایی پرداخته اند و تعداد خبرهای منحصربه فرد (بدون تکرار) تعداد 304 عدد بوده است. خبرگزاری ایسنا، باشگاه خبرنگاران جوان، خبرگزاری مهر، خبرآنلاین و تسنیم رسانه هایی بودند که به ترتیب بیشترین مطالب را درباره تغییرات آب و هوایی در سه ماهه تابستان 96 منتشر کردند.

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The pace of change is a characteristic of the 21st century, and sometimes the pace of these changes is increasing, and most societies ignore their perceptions. The prevailing atmosphere of today's economy is the risk associated with uncertainty and can not be countered by these corrective actions and these changes as well as the creation of a sustainable competitive advantage. The first generation of universities, the mission of education and the second generation, in addition to its previous task, is also responsible for research, but the third-generation academic, called the Entrepreneur's University, is also a leading actor in the country's economic growth and development, in addition to its teaching and research function. Looking at the world's top universities in internationally acclaimed systems, one can get, between academic rank and political, economic, and political power. . . Communities have a meaningful relationship. An entrepreneurial university is not a university or organization, but a structure or culture. A culture that brings creative and innovative growth and development to the surrounding environment. Accordingly, in this paper, after the concept of the term Babayan entrepreneurship, the problems of today's universities with the industrial approach and transformation in the mission of universities, the need for entrepreneurship in the context of university and the role of the university in industrial development, then the role of culture as an academic tool in establishing the concept of university The entrepreneur was referred to as well as the morale and culture in the academic environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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