Life quality, as a phenomenon whose emergence was considered to be a reaction to industrial advancements and ecological distortion, has entered the cultural and social world. Although such advancements have contributed to the diversity in goods and services, they have not contributed to individuals’ satisfaction of life and life quality improvement. Therefore, the investigation of life quality (cultural and social aspect) has been widely discussed in sociology and cultural studies. The current study, exploiting a socio-cultural approach, investigated different factors influencing citizens’ life quality. The methodology of the current study was survey-based. Using questionnaires and cluster sampling, the study collected data from among the population of Kashan with a sample of 353.The results showed that the average proportion of Cultural and Social aspect of life quality factors is high. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between the two aspects of life quality with age. Considering the social aspect of life quality, there was not any significant difference between males and females. However, males had a better situation in the cultural aspect of life quality. The average proportion of the social aspect of life quality occupied a better stance among the married in comparison with the single; however, they are the same with respect to the cultural aspect of life quality. The respondents having M.A. and higher degrees had a better the cultural aspect of life quality. However, there was not any significant difference among different educational groups regarding the social aspect of quality life.