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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Marouf Abdel Majid is an Egyptian poet, and warrior who before the recent Egypt revolution has been abandoned for 20 years. During this period, he tried to review the political and social situation of his country with his literary talent. He composed some poems, especially for Imam Hossein (pbuh) and compared Imam Hossein's era with the lynanic condition of his country. In this article, dimensions of Imam Hossein's movement are shown in Marouf Abdel Majid's poems to review the political condition of Arabian societies, so that make the importance of his poems in recent revolution obvious. So, while introducing him & his works, some of his poems about Imam Hossein's movement for Muslims are reviewed. This article indicates that situation of Imam Hossein's era matches with the present situation in Egypt and invites Muslims to combat with tyranny and struggle agains tynanic governments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Holy Quran makes use of expressive styles at a very high level in such a way that Arabs knew no such thing in the literature before the revelation of the Holy Quran. This is a miracle of this book in terms of style and expression, and nobody can compete with it. Among these styles, we can mention combined forms, allegory and metaphors that the Holy Qur'an makes a lot use of them in order to clarify its meaning and mission as well as for the audience to understand them. The present study aims at exploring the position of allegoric metaphor and the styles of using it in the Holy Quran and also its role in understanding difficult meanings and sticking the important and vital issues to the mind. It is concluded that the allegoric metaphor has been used in different styles such as preceeding and following, praising and deniance, emphasis, repetition, interrogation and imperative in the Holy Qur’an. Using of these styles leads to clarifying the intended meaning for the audience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The romance of Layla and Majnun is undoubtedly one of the most precious works in Arabic literature; which as a unique example of pure love, enjoys a privileged dignity among belletrists for ages, lasting its reputation to the contemporary literature. Ahmad Shoghi, known as Amirasho'ara, composed a five-episode drama using Arabic ancient history called "Majnun e Layla".This paper tries to answer the question: In processing the character "Majnun" what sources have Shoughi benefited from? What characters and personalityaspects does "Majnon" enjoy? The character represented by Shoghi from "Majnun" is almost impossible in the real world. "Majnun" person, is still and has no movement from the beginning to the end of the story, there are no marked changes in the hero's behavior and actions.The main theme of the drama is to love to death, or to live eternally. One is frustrated by the social traditions turning to be majnun (crazy), the other one sacrifices her love for those traditions, both finding no destiny but death; the death of the lover and the beloved, to long live the love.The character represented by Majnoun to the audiences bears no behavioral and thought stability. It is sometimes affected by the ancient heritage of "pure and virtuous" Arabic literature, some other times intensely affected by versions of branch offices and other literatures, especially Persian and Turkish "Sufiism", and sometimes affected by Western, specially French, literature, which incorporates "Realism", "Neoclassicism" and "Romanticism", while Majnoun's character still remains shallow and imperfect. However his character, in terms of lyrics, proves superior, exciting the audiences' emotions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the psycho-nalytic method of criticism, we can comprehend the psychical conditions and the effective factors of the mentality and tempers of Mohammad Maghout, in reference to the present documents such as interviews, letters, poems and other works of the scholar.Mohammad Maghout is known as a poet with the characteristics such as fear, distrust to the outside world, depression and isolation, and extremist in the using of cigarette and wine. The root of these characteristics is in the poverty of his childhood and discerning of the classism in the society. The reason is that the affectability and the sensitive mentality of the poets cannot stand the painful and hurting life. These characteristics are the abnormal reflections of the stroke of the prison, which will never been forgotten. The prison and its tortures are the main reasons of Maghout's past traumatic stress disorder. In fact, he could not attune himself with the crisis of the life and solve the psychic problems due to long imprisonment.The aim of this study is psycho-analysis of Mohammad Maghout according to his poems and works, on the basis of psychological methodology.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Inner monologue is a way of dialogue that has become common since the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries in fiction and attracted the attention of most literary figures to it. It is one of the ways of saying by wich the narrator- Author- takes advantage of it to further his own stories and adventures that are in the heroes’ mind, or the major hero is going to tell the readers so that the content of the heroe’s conscious or unconscious is thereby transfered to the reader.Towfiq al-Hakim, popular Egyptian author and contemporary in the monologue of some of his stories and novels including the "Himar al-Hakim" goes on a such way that in several pages of plot, he talks with the characters especially with monologues, and not by language and during the course of the subconscious mind, as it occurs in the character’s mind without the author's interference; this is so true and honest that does not produce a structural weakness.This article tries to study on a representation of colorful aspects of discourse in the novel "Himar al-Hakim" from the perspective of inner monologue. It further explains how to use it and analyze the formation of interior monologue, and describes the world of characters and the surroundings that there are in his minds. It is concluded that the author has employed different methods for describing the inner thoughts and minds of the story character.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The pronouns of Sha’n and Ghesseh are a singular non-present pronoun, which are interpreted with their next sentences. The difference between the two is that the first one is used with male subjects and the latter with female subjects. There are other names to these pronouns such as Hadith pronoun, Passive pronoun, Haa-al-Emaad, etc. There are various examples of such structure in the Holy Quran. The purpose of the present study is to explain the instances of this structure in the Holy Quran along with the opinions of Islamic scholars in this regard. The study will also examine the opinions, draw a conclusion, and explain the cases in which the above pronoun, are used. The cases in which these pronouns are used in the Holy Quran are 52 among which 28 cases are agreed upon and the other 24 are controversial. This very controversy makes it essential to analyze each case specifically and pave the way for further understanding the Holy Quran. The structure is mainly used to value the subject. It is worth mentioning that a study like this has never been conducted before on the Holy Quran, and what is mentioned here is a compilation of what has been said in interpretations of the Holy Quran, A'raab-al-Quran sources, and syntactic sources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study is to quantitatively investigate situation in the "Journal of Iranian Association of Arab Language and Literature" with regard to citation behaviors and co-authorship relations using scientometrics method. The findings of the current research indicated that the journals’ impact factor is very low due to lack of citation. The results also showed that 13% of the authors have produced more than 40% of the articles and the "Lotka’s Law" is partly confirm this. A total of 3681 citations of the journal articles have been cited, which equals to 184 citations for each number, on average. So, it is estimated that each article should contain a mean of 22.04 citations. Some of the well-known references mostly used in these articles include: The Holy Qura'an, the "Lesan al Arab", "Vafayat ol A’yan", Majma'al - Bayan fi Tafsiral-Quran, The Inclusive History of the Arabic Literature, and The Book of the Index (Al-Fehrest). A total of 183 authors involved in the production of papers among which 76% of the articles have been written in individual; that is why the authors’ cooperation factor is very low. Generally, according to the articles of this journal, which is a small sample of Arabic Literature, there is no potential reference or writer in this area. Therefore, the rate of scientific cooperations and relations among the authors in this field is very low.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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