The romance of Layla and Majnun is undoubtedly one of the most precious works in Arabic literature; which as a unique example of pure love, enjoys a privileged dignity among belletrists for ages, lasting its reputation to the contemporary literature. Ahmad Shoghi, known as Amirasho'ara, composed a five-episode drama using Arabic ancient history called "Majnun e Layla".This paper tries to answer the question: In processing the character "Majnun" what sources have Shoughi benefited from? What characters and personalityaspects does "Majnon" enjoy? The character represented by Shoghi from "Majnun" is almost impossible in the real world. "Majnun" person, is still and has no movement from the beginning to the end of the story, there are no marked changes in the hero's behavior and actions.The main theme of the drama is to love to death, or to live eternally. One is frustrated by the social traditions turning to be majnun (crazy), the other one sacrifices her love for those traditions, both finding no destiny but death; the death of the lover and the beloved, to long live the love.The character represented by Majnoun to the audiences bears no behavioral and thought stability. It is sometimes affected by the ancient heritage of "pure and virtuous" Arabic literature, some other times intensely affected by versions of branch offices and other literatures, especially Persian and Turkish "Sufiism", and sometimes affected by Western, specially French, literature, which incorporates "Realism", "Neoclassicism" and "Romanticism", while Majnoun's character still remains shallow and imperfect. However his character, in terms of lyrics, proves superior, exciting the audiences' emotions.