According to political system of Imamate the Infallible Imam is ordained by God. According to Imam Ali who was the first in identification of Shia Islam people can play an effective role by their presence in the government? Though endowed with infallibility and divine ordainment, Imam Ali was prevented from caliphate, and finally undertook the government and administration of Muslim Community as result of will and insistence of people. He regarded the consultations of the Emigrants (Muhaajireen) and assistants as their agreement on an individual as Imam to be the ground for God's pleasure and endorsed his own election by people. This article attempts to discuss compatibility or incompatibility of divine ordainment and election by people, role of public opinion in legitimization of government by infallible Imam, realization velayat (guardianship) of an divinely ordained Imam, conditionality or unconditionality of the authority of council, allegiance and their religious and legal effects, place of prominent members of community And masses at large in conception and formation of Imamate etc all on the basis of the ideas and practices of Imam Ali.