The present study aims at investigating the extent of participation of young people in mosques' affairs with an emphasis on family role. To explain the issue and specify the theoretical framework, we have used the theories of participation and sociability. The research method was library based and survey type, and we have used questionnaires for gathering data. To analyze the data, the T and F tests, central indexes, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient have been used. The statistical society consisted of all students in Isfahan University in 91-92 SH. Thus, 384 subjects were selected through Cochran sample size determination formula. Independent variables of the research were as follows: background variables (sex, age, field of study, living place, marital status), family-related variables (social-economic status, parents' religious commitment, religious sociability, parents' attitude towards religious institutes, parents' attitude towards participation, family satisfaction, and the individual's attitude towards participation), and the dependent variable related to participation in mosques' affairs. The findings show that the dependent variable was meaningfully related to independent variables (i.e. sex, living place, religious sociability of family, individual's attitude toward participation, family's attitude toward participation, family's attitude toward religious institutions).