"Political trust" deals with the relationship between government and the people. In Iran, political trust has gone a descending tract since the early days of Islamic revolution. The present article maintains that in political jurisprudence there are rules from which we may extract methods for increasing political trust. These are as follows: equality, counsel, justice, preserving regime, attracting hearts, cooperation, fulfilling contracts, goodness and der' (excepting someone from punishment due to a reasonable doubt). The factors effective in increasing political trust are divided into two groups: trust regarding the government, and trust regarding the people and society. In the first group, strategies are presented that address the political system and the authorities. These strategies are as follows: relationship between authorities and people, presenting welfare services, lessening hardships in people's life, not forcing people to do what is not their duty, avoiding false promises removing people's distrust of authorities functions, establishing justice among people and entrusting responsibilities to qualified persons.As for the citizen's political trust, two affirmative and negative strategies have been offered. The former are: enjoining good and forbidding evil, fraternity, trustfulness, fulfilling one's promise. The negative strategies are: avoiding lies, rancor, deception, maligning, backbiting, and deceiving Muslims.