In order to determine prevalence of Echinoccocus and other intestinal helminths infection one hundred stray dogs were examined in Mashhad area, Khorasan province of Iran. Helminths were collected from intestinal contents obtained at the time necropsy. Ninety one percent of the dogs were infected by different helminths. The prevalence of &hinococcus granulosus was (22%). Eighteen (81%) of infected dogs had (1-100) worm burden and 3(13%) and 1(4%) had (100-1000) and (>1000) worm burdens, respectively. The most heavily infected dog had 10,000 worms in the intestinal contents. Dogs were divided into three age group of 3 months-2 years, 2-6 years and > 6 years. The prevalence of Echinococcus infection was not significant by sex and age factors. Other intestinal helminths infections were as follow: Dipylidium caninum (41%), Taenia hydatigena (37%), Taenia ovis (8%), Mesocestoides lineatus (6%), Taenia multiceps (3%), Joyeuxiella echinorhyncoides (1%) and observed nematodes were Toxocara canis (37%), Toxascaris leonina (6%) and Ancylostoma caninum (1%). There was no significant difference in parasite prevalence between male and female dogs. The highest prevalence of Toxocara canis and as Dipylidium caninum infection were observed in 3 months to 2 years of dogs and in as contrast, in Taenia hydatigena was in 6> years. (p<0.05).