Congenital rubella is a preventable disease and is one of the most important causes of neoneatal mortality and morbidity. Immunization against this disease is an important step in elimination or decrease of mortality and morbidity during pregnancy. This descriptive study was carried out to determine the level rubella immunity among randomly selected 420 women of reproductive age taken from six sanitary areas of Kazeroon city.Serum anti-rubella antibody (IgG) was detected, using ELISA method by Radim Rubella kit. Serum anti rubella antibody (IgM) was detected for seronegative women based on IgG. The results showed that immunity rate ranged from 89.94% to97.43% with an average of 94.05%. None of unimmune women, based on IgG level, were infected by rubella. Although the present study showed that the level of immunity among women in Kazeroon is greater than the predicted critical level, nevertheless it is suggested that all the women be checked serologically for IgG against rubella virus prior to marriage or pregnancy and seronegative ones be immunized against rubella.