The present research is a quasi experimental study which was carried out to assess the effects of cardiac rehabilitation program on clinical manifestation and rehospitalization of clients after coronary bypass grafting surgery (CABG).The subjects consisted of 40 patients (20 = experiment, and 20 = control group) who undergone CABG surgery. Inclusion criteria were; gender: male, age: 45-65 years, left ventricular ejection fraction: over 40%, number of graft vessels: 3-5, and residence in Tehran. Exclusion criteria included any other chronic illness such as diabetes mellitus, heart failure and renal failure. A questionnaire and a check list were tools of this research. The control group patients did not participate in cardiac rehabilitation program. The clients of the experiment group participated in an 8-session cardiac rehabilitation program which included an exercise and physical training, diet management, stress management, drug regimen, education, and cardiac symptom management. During 3 home visits, the check list data were collected and analysed by Chi-square and Fisher Exact Test.The results showed that the occurrence of dyspnea, chest pain, peripheral edema and weakness and fatigue between the two groups of patients were significantly different. While the palpitation rate was not significantly difference between the two groups. Furthermore, rehospitalization was more frequent in control group.Based on these findings, cardiac rehabilitation programs after CABG favorably affected clinical manifestation and rehospitalization, suggesting that similar planning and implementation of cardiac rehabilitation programs can have useful outcomes in the health system.