Mate selection process is an important and difficult issue for many in different societies. Selection of appropriate person to marry is one of the most stressful decisions in life.People ambitiously try to find the appropriate person to marry and understand if they are having the right choice or not before marriage.Unfortunately, the basics of the people who are trying to choose the appropriate individual come from unrealistic beliefs or expectations.Cobb, Larson and Watson (2003) developed the scale for attitudes about romance and mate selection which evaluates 7 irrational beliefs including Cohabitation, One and Only, Love Is Enough, Ease of Effort, Idealization, Opposites, complement, and Complete assurance. This Research examined validity and reliability of the Persian version of this scale. Extracted beliefs based on factor analysis were: Believe love, Pivotal experience, Idealization, Opposite seeking, Easy getting and Optimistic view. Factor analysis could show the underlying structure of the questionnaire and explained a significant amount of variance that provides evidence for the validity.Reliability of the questionnaire is reported based on Cornbach's alpha, and high levels of variances explained.