The important impact of happiness on the well-being, physical health, work productivity, and social interaction has received a considerable research. Gender differences on the source of happiness has been emphasized the purpose of this study was to determine the predicting factors of happiness among wives of Mobarekeh Steel Company personnel. Subjects were 389 wives of personnel who were rand-only selected from Mobarekeh Steel Company. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire and a demographic questionnaire were used to collect data.A significant positive relationship was found between happiness and marital satisfaction, optimism, husband happiness, attending religious events, deep faith in God, traveling, television watching, artistic activities, life satisfaction, and physical exercise. Psychological problems, and history of having physical illnesses showed a significant negative correlation with happiness (P<0.01).The results of stepwise regression showed that in total, seven variables of marital satisfaction, optimism, husband happiness, television watching, history of psychiatric disorders, attending religious events and travel significantly predicted 57% of happiness variance. These findings emphasize the importance of family, increasing the family satisfaction, optimism, providing psychological support, providing religious spiritual atmosphere, and recreational facilities as effective factors to improve feeling of happiness.