Due to the lack of comprehensive policies for the Hyrcanian forests of Iran, formulating policies which encompass sustainable approach to forest management is essential. Therefore, in this research, we develop basic policymaking categories for the Hyrcanian forests of Iran. In order to get the objective, 47 national and international documents, including conventions, statements, policy documents, acts, programs, and reports related to the international dialogues, summits, conventions and forums and national vision, sectorial policy documents, international approved conventions, concerning forest and forestry issues were investigated by using of qualitative content analysis. Finally, 124 categories including 61 opportunities, 23 threats, 27 strengths and 13 weaknesses were extracted. Most of the opportunities come from international dialogues, while major threats are non forest sectorial legislations that challenge the mission of the forest management organization. The strengths are legal authority, resources and infrastructure, and the weaknesses are mainly related to the organizational structure and available financial facilities. According to the opinions of 78 experts of various stakeholder groups, all mentioned categories scored "partly high" to "high" in a 10 points scale. According to the results, Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Organization efforts to use the strengths and opportunities to cover the weaknesses and threats were insufficient and more research suggested elaborating the situation.