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Wisdom and Philosophy

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The question of freedom has been one of the most famous and also most important issues in the history of philosophy. But Heidegger's approach to this question is privileged and outstanding. This article tries to convey the idea of freedom in three phases of Heidegger's thought, on the basis of three important concepts: human being, world and Being. If the question of freedom in Being and Time concentrates on the concept of Dasein and his returning to himself as the pure possibility, in the writings between the years 1928 to 1931, the idea of transcendental freedom is posed in relation to the concept of the world. Here, freedom as the ground of every grounding, let Dasein connect the beings as a whole and build a world. Finally, since 1931, the question of freedom tied to the issue of Being and became the fundamental condition of unconcealment as the truth of Being.

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Wisdom and Philosophy

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For Husserl, ontological frame of ideal sense is an indispensable foundation which describes phenomenon as objects of experience, being significance of language as well as objectivity of these constitution. Opposing, for Wittgenstein, meaning is noting expect logical form of sentence that is analyzed through relation between structure of sentence and its picture and the relation between the both with state of affairs. Therefore thought and thinking are provided in terms of language as we illustrate by this paper. Husserl’s concept of ideal sense is settled into "Feregean" interpretation of Husserl’s theory by "California" phenomenology. This interpretation is failed through effective writings of analytic philosophers, especially Wittgenstein, as we illustrate it comprehensively. These written works specify that internal menology is incommunicable, thereby they make invalidity Husserl’s concept of the sense and the objectivity of acts of sense. The current study ties Wittgenstein’s theory of expectation with his concepts of role- following and per- determinate instructions, as a new theory. Also, the study analyzes how bearer propositions of expectation are constituted based on per- determinate instructions in relation to indicative propositions, as another new.

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Wisdom and Philosophy

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One of God existence proofs, is the contingency argument that proves a necessary being through contingency of beings. In the works of many Western and Islamic thinkers, the expression of this argument can be observed. The prominent philosopher and theologian of medieval period, Thomas Aquinas, was one of the first scholars that argued for this proof in western theology and philosophy. His expression of the argument in fact was a combination of occurrence and his causality argument and affinity with the contingency and Necessity argument in philosophy and Islamic theology.The present study has aimed to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of this expression while delineating the fundamentals and preliminaries of Aquinas' Argument. The present study, based on Platinga's reviews, aimed to examine his expression of the argument influenced by Islamic thinkers, most notably Ibne Sina. Accordingly, the weaknesses of such an expression is revealed by comparing it to that of Ibne Sina.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Wisdom and Philosophy

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In this paper, we shall demonstrate that the Cartesian approach to the res extensio and taking it as the most fundamental, essential determination of Vorhandenheit, though Descartes’ ontology is not rich enough to explain the relationship between pure extension and Dasein’s existential spatiality, has its own phenomenological justifications in Heidegger’s view. In order to clarify Heidegger’s stance, we shall first study the distinctive characteristics of existential space as well as its ontological foundations. Meanwhile, existential space proves to be ultimately rest on Dasein’s own existence. Next, we shall turn to the transition from existential space to Cartesian space as a pure extension via the process of Entweltlichung. Cartesian space will thus prove to be a necessary resultant of depriving existential space of its richness and purposiveness of human meanings. It is in the context of this more comprehensive ontology that the relation of Cartesian space with existential one and spatiality of Dasein, on one hand, and the ontological deficiency of Cartesian approach, on the other, would be elucidated. Finally, we shall show that assuming extension as the essential determination of Vorhendenheit, and thus Cartesian space, as a totally meaningless, and deprived of all Dasein’s circumspective concerns which underlie existential space and Dasein’s everyday experience, is not so much refuted by Heidegger’s ontology as regarded to be phenomenologically justified. Moreover, It is so fertile that has paved the way for the subsequent paradigm shift in mathematics and theoretical physics in the 19th century.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Wisdom and Philosophy

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Spinoza is the first and the most important political philosopher to have considered Democracy as the best government. The superiority of Democracy in Spinoza’s political philosophy is based on the metaphysical foundations of his thought. Spinoza has taken two stands regarding the human nature; on the one hand, he represents a naturalistic explanation for human- being and introduces Conatus or self- preservation as the first and the most fundamental feature of all natural beings, including human nature. On the other hand, his perfectionist metaphysical system calls for choosing a superior model for human nature by which it can be shown how to be liberated from passions of the soul and to put human beings in the limits of reason by detaching them from irrationalism of desires. Spinoza considers Democracy as superior for it is the most natural and the most rational kind of government; the most natural as it has the highest similarity with the natural state of mankind in which human is free to protect his nature and he has the right to do everything in its power; the most rational as the more the decision makers, the less the possibility of domination of ruinous and irrational passions. Our main question in this paper is how the superiority of Democracy over other governments is the outcome of metaphysical system. The central claim in this paper is that Spinoza’s assertion about superiority of Democracy is comprehensible only when we grasp his interpretation of human nature which is based on his metaphysical foundations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Wisdom and Philosophy

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In his later philosophical reflections, Wittgenstein, criticizes his early views in the Tractatus. Since the publication of Philosophical Investigations commentators and philosophers have made various attempts to explain the nature and the scope of these criticisms and revisions. Paul Horwich in his recent work "Wittgenstein’s Metaphilosophy" attempts to give a new and systematic account of these revisions.In the current study, I aim to examine some themes in Horwich’s reading of later Wittgenstein. I shall first give a rough description of the metaphysics of the Tractatus. Then, I discuss Horwich’s picture of the notion of Tractarian "object". This will be followed by a discussion of Horwich’s picture of some of Wittgenstein’s criticisms of the Tractatus ontology in the third section. In this section, I will explain through three criticisms (T3), (T4), and (T6). The paper will end up with a series of objections to Horwich’s (T3), (T4), and (T6). I argue that his account of Wittgenstein’s criticisms of the Tractatus, as they are expressed in Philosophical Investigations, is exegetically problematic and philosophically incoherent.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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