Mysticism and mystical literature is written in the special language and specific terms; and mystics, using these terms, record and express their mystical experiences. The three terms ‘Eltebas’, ‘Tamassol’ and ‘Monazeleh’ that represent kinds of mystical intuition and experience, have many common characteristics. These three terms are in the Mimetic level of mysticism language, and are interpretable. Also, they have firm relationships with concepts of love, mystical love and God Representation. Mystics have expressed some of their most important ideas in the form of these terms. Ain-Al- Qozat Hamadani names the concept of Tamassol as the greatest divine secret and sees the understanding of this world and hereafter to the understanding the universe of Tamassol. Roozbahan Baqli, relying on so-called Eltebas (confusion) and Kashf (discovery), recognizes the beautifulness and elegance of earthly Beloved as the manifestation of God's beauty; and believes that not only Shahedbazi (virtual love) is permissible, but it also is the only way to understand the true love. Also Mohyi-Al-dyn Ibn Araby, along with the theory of ‘the Holley Imagination’ and ‘the world of Idea’, has foregrounded in his thought system, the term Monazeleh (degradation or descent of spiritual realms) which represents a discount of divinity and sublimation of the human. This article compares these three terms in Ain-Al- Qozat Hamadani, Roozbahan Baqli and Ibn Araby’s thought systems.