The concept of exile has been mingled with human thought, feeling and behavior and has been manifested in various intellectual fields like philosophy, mysticism, anthropology, psychology, literature etc. In Islamic mysticism and Sufism, too, exile is present strongly and has different semantic and interpretive aspects. After a brief introduction of multiple meanings of exile (classic, modern and postmodern), this article aims to explore this concept briefly in philosophy, social sciences and psychology. Then, the main discussion of this article about sufist exile under the titles such as “the exile of soul in the body”, “the exile of man in the world”, “the exile of mystic amongst the formalists” and “the exile amongst the foreigners” are all studied and, focusing on the thoughts of Ibn Arabi as well as some Sufism great figures and also by referring to some poetic evidence, it is shown that: 1) exile is a human concept, 2) meditating on spiritual and mental characteristics of man, most mystics were aware of such feeling and proposed various evidence and interpretations for it, 3) exile is connected to fundamental concepts such as annihilation, progression, fame-escaping, being unknown and the like, 4) sufist exile is related to the concept of journey, both real and imaginary and 5) exile and exile-thinking have the traces of blaming and are amongst the Malamati’s principles.