In the current study, eulogizing introduction of the four "Leili va Majnoon" Poems by Nezami, Amir Khosrow, Jami and Maktabi called "Tahmidiyah" are compared. This comparison clarifies the same essential points in them all.1-Positive Characteristic, negative Characteristic, Creation and Prayer are the four main subjects used in all the mentioned "Tahmidiyah" s.2- Structures have Specific trends: they begin with positive characteristics or negative Characteristics. Then, they continue with Creation and in the following parts such topics emerge as Prayer, Resurrection, Eulogy or Advice.3-Among the aforementioned subjects, application of positive Characteristics has a decrease trend during the time;4-Although many canonists say that all the names of God must have specific references, sometimes some names used without these specific references. However, Jami has used many of these names;5-Among four poets, Maktabi takes into account such factors as negative Characteristics, Creation and Eulogy for Prophet more than others. And his poem has preference due to its literary value and figurative and formalistic devices.