The aim of this research is to study the elements of story in Faraj Ba’d az Seddat translated by Hossein Asad Dehestani. The analysis of these stories is on the basis of elements such as subject, moral results, characters, point of view, narrator, setting, language, fabulous events and theme.There are two hundred and thirty one stories that contain religious and ethical subjects. Eighty six (36.44 percent) stories contain fabulous events. Characters are of different kinds such as historical persons, animals (1.72 percent) and fabulous beings (2.11 percent). Human characters are chosen from different kinds of people such as those who are presented by their jobs (32.62 percent), men and boys (47.03 percent), kings and ministers (20.33 percent), women and girls (4.66 percent), prophets and thinkers (4.23 percent), slaves and dervishes (2.54 percent) and unknown characters (1.27) and (0.86 percent) are inhuman. Most stories are narrated in first person point of view (one hundred and twenty five (52.52%) stories). Seventy four stories (31.32%) have unknown or general time and seventeen stories (7.20%) have place. Language of the story is simple Moral results such as self sacrifice and justice are the main themes.