The question of conventions (I'tibariyat), and the way it is answered, has great consequences for branches of philosophy that deal with the foundations of other sciences, especially the philosophy of rights, philosophy of politics, philosophy of law, and philosophy of ethics. The reality of convention and conventional affairs, differentiating between various meanings of convention, necessity of convention, primary convention, types of conventions, and finally convention's relation to the problem of truth and falsity are some of the most important issues to be dealt with in a discussion of conventions.The author claims, although many scholars have studied and propounded valuable ideas on these issues, two Muslim sages, that is Ghravi Isfahani and Allamah Tabataba'i have presented the most accurate theories. In this article, he wants to explain and scrutinize what Allamah Tabataba'i has said about the problem of conventions and the way he approaches it.