Overexploitation of groundwater in Taybad plain in order to increase yield of crops and farmer’s net benefit, has resulted in continuous decline of water level, negative balance of groundwater and severe increase of resource deficit, undesirable water quality. These factors reveal the necessity of management of groundwater in this region. So, exploitation of groundwater would occur in optimum amount and besides, farmer’s economical profit in region would increase. In this study, in order to manage groundwater resources in Taybad and to game theoritically determine optimum amount of groundwater extraction, at first rainfall during next seven years was predicted for studied plain applying SARIMA model, and then recharge quantity to groundwater were estimated by using predicted rainfall for determining aquifer overexploitation coefficient. In next stage, toward obtaining payoff matrix for tow objective groups (farmers and society) in future seven years and estimating Pareto frontier or tradeoff curve, net income of main crops of Taybad plain were forecasted by ARIMA model. Net income and technical coefficient of crops in 2007-8 were calculated applying data of 109 farmers in studied region selected by simple random sampling. Then, optimum amount of groundwater extraction was determined using four conflicts resolution methods including non-symmetric Nash solution, non-symmetric Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, non-symmetric area monotonic solution and non-symmetric equal loss solution. Results indicated that when environment and economic objectives are assigned equal importance, the optimal groundwater withdrawals for 2008 to 2014 will be respectively 133.25, 121.176, 124.382, 135.335, 141.762, 133.480 and 124.355 million cubic meters. Finally, some suggestion has been presented.